1 [1841], 404-5). This combination of abominable fires and divine judgment led to the association of the valley with a place of perpetual judgment (see Isa. Blot them out of existence? The people in the surrounding areas dumped their trash in Gehenna, where it burned day and night. At least until a council comes along decades later and says that anyone not confessing a belief in an "eternal hell" is not a Christian? How does this work? It will not end, it will just no longer pertain to an 'aion' or time period. must be explained away if you want to cling to a doctrine of eternal torture. The parables all imply that the judgement is final, because "the door was locked" – it is an unfounded assumption on your part that it would be opened again. The first post-apostolic council at Nicea was chaired by Gregory Nazianzen who was a universalist. Yes, that Origen took the idea of universal salvation to its extreme (though it is unclear how far he actually believed this to be factual or whether he was simply engaging in an experiment of thought) and it was this extreme form that was shocking to many Christians. "Why the need for a gulf to keep those in Abraham's bosom from going to the other side where there was torment?". If this parable is supposed to teach anything about punishment in the afterlife, you would think that this gulf would not be necessary. There is it — Gehenna seen from a hilltop in Jerusalem. It is amazing how many things we take as "established fact" that simply are not true. Calling God "The God of the ages" (aions) is stating a fact, God is God over the ages. Even if I couldn't convince you, I am glad that you got something out of it. Almost every major commentary on Matthew that mentions Gehenna also spoke of the garbage dump. Its a blank slate until this commentary pops up. It is a reasonable deduction that there would be a dump and also reasonable that sometimes it would be alite and bodies throw there for shame. If it was consistently translated as 'eternal' people would see how ridiculous that idea is. Don't stress about any of the Bible's judgment language happening at any time after the first century! Isaiah 30:33 (HCSB) — Indeed! If not there, where? Where is the record of an uproar over them? You are simply ignoring these. So you don't want to "blot them out", you want to "reconcile all" – but again this is just utter disrespect to human beings and their free will, which in turn is a denial of the opportunity to love. But since there was so much garbage, and since more … Grey Waste: Next Baator: While the qualities of Gehenna are widely known — massive fragments of rock, of varying levels of volcanic activity, floating in an infinite void — the core nature of Gehenna is less so. Which brings us back to our starting point: it is eternal for good and bad or age-enduring for both, not this for one and that for another. Out of six major "seminaries" in the early church, four taught universal salvation, one taught annihilation (Ephesus)and one taught eternal punishment (Rome). THE LAST ENEMY TO BE DESTROYED IS DEATH! The nature of the massive amount of garbage concentrated at this site suggests the presence of an established, citywide garbage disposal operation that included the development of a specialized mode of collection and transportation to the top of the slope (a convoy of donkeys hauled the waste), the deliberate disposal of the garbage down the slope, setting the garbage on fire, and burying the … 24 “And they will go out and look upon the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; their worm will not die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.”, "If it was clearly taught in scripture, why was no council convened to condemn the heresy of universal salvation …". Indeed, there is no reason to search further for ancient burning piles of discarded newspapers, product packaging, and junk mail. Jesus used this term. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It doesn't say whether anyone would do that. En contraire. "For your sister Sodom was not a byword in your mouth in the days of your pride, "before your wickedness was uncovered. "You talk of the teaching of the "church" from the earliest days. ", Ezekiel 16:55 – "When thy sisters, SODOM AND HER DAUGHTERS SHALL RETURN TO THEIR FORMER ESTATE, and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate, then thou and thy daughters shall return to your former estate.". Which brings us back to our starting point: it is eternal for good and bad or age-enduring for both, not this for one and that for another.]. The New Jerusalem will contain people body and soul living in space in time, with God in happiness for all eternity. It is clear: Gehenna is hell, not a trash dump. The Azgoghkian Garbage Dump of Gehenna Layers is a massive, orderly nation, ruled by Unlucky Overseer with an iron fist, and renowned for its barren, inhospitable landscape, pith helmet sales, and keen interest in outer space. 19 For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous. When death is destroyed the only thing left is life. The soul that sinneth it shall DIE, not be given eternal life to burn forever and ever and ever. City officials occasionally sought to get rid of the garbage and also cover the stench by igniting the refuse on fire. Answer: Jerusalem’s ancient garbage dump—a place called Gehenna—was illustrative of the ceaseless agonies of hell. Though a duration of time is the most common use of the word, just as with most any word, there can be different meanings depending on the context. So just imagine the hundreds of thousands of squirmy, wormy maggots living there, eating the rotting refuse. It is also very instructive to study the writings of the early church fathers and church history to see how prevalent a belief universal salvation was, and then compare the conditions that surrounded the second council at Constantinople where they decided that a confession of belief in an eternal hell was one of the conditions for being accepted into "the church". Are you serious? Topheth has been ready for the king for a long time now. The Myth of the Burning Garbage Dump of Gehenna, http://www.afterlife.co.nz/2012/featured-article/tracing-the-road-to-gehenna/, Universalism and The Reality of Eternal Punishment: The Biblical Basis of the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment, https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7686626,35.2333475,3a,56.6y,328.92h,103.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szm6A_bN1OCNC7ikOFCcVTw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656. In Mark 9 is Jesus taking a literal prophecy in Isaiah and using it as a parable of something "eternal"? Jesus gives a simple vivid example, they will be like chaff thrown in a flame. The Myth of the Burning Garbage Dump of Gehenna. In Jerusalem, in the Valley of Hinnom, there is a large trash dump referred to in the Book of Matthew as “ Gehenna ”. But of course, some know-it-all flippig through pages will know it better! After all, Samaria did not return either but found successors that, though unconneceted with the northern kingdom, called themselves Samaritans. If they contradict e.o., they contradict e.o. His funeral pyre is deep and wide, with plenty of fire and wood. And as far as Rabbi Kimhi goes, note that even he stated the alleged dump of Gehenna became an analogy for the judgment of the wicked, which demonstrates that even the first writer to make this connection saw it to be an analogy for the place that the wicked will be judged. and rules called canons. Jude uses the fate of Sodom as recounted in Genesis as a type of divine punishment. It is not "people" who ingore context but you who are grasping at straws of literal nitpicking to justify your beliefs in the light of what Christ or others as recorded in Scripture clearly taught. Gehenna. What can be beyond eternity? It can't. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Why would anyone, especially people who are redeemed and survive the coming of the Lord to judge all flesh (v.16) want to go out to look at corpses full of worms and burning? Murder…freaking…hornets. The Unseen Realm. When a fire is not quenched it burns UNTIL IT RUNS OUT OF FUEL. A shorter one, posted at Grace to You: Is Hell Really Endless? If 'aeturnum' always means 'eternal' then Jerome put his foot in his mouth when he wrote this. It is not difficult to see, from these and other texts (e.g., 2 Kgs 23:10; 2 Chr 28:3, 33:6; Jer 32:35), why Jesus and his contemporaries used the word Gehenna (“valley of Hinnom”) as synonymous with the place of everlasting fiery torment. Are you referring to Origen? There is no corresponding situation for punishment having it's opposite destroyed thus allowing it to continue outside of time. One question to ask about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus – Why the need for a gulf to keep those in Abraham's bosom from going to the other side where there was torment? Jude says Sodom and Gomorrah undergo vengeance in "eternal fire", and Ezekiel says that Sodom and her daughters will one day be restored to their former estate. A Christian in error is still a Christian.]. Councils made positive definition of faith (e.g. In Old Testament times, children had been sacrificed to idols there (2 Kings 23:10); in Jesus’ day, it was a place burning with constant fires to consume the waste that was thrown there. Obviously, this fire is not still burning today, so this fire had an "age to come" or better put a "forever result" quality to it vs. a duration quality to it. This dump was on the south side of Jerusalem. And speaking of context, you are ignoring the context that Jesus is alluding to in this passage, and that is Isaiah 66:23-24. Their meaning cannot be derived from the "object" (which means you assumption that salvation can be eternal but punishment cannot) but from the context – and the context in the passage referred above is a parallel structure. Thus already in Old Testament times, the Valley of Hinnom was associated with the destiny of the wicked. Why should anyone want to go out when God and all his people and everything good is inside.]. Yes, murder hornets. 20The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased,grace abounded all the more, 21 so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Tag: Gehenna. The BiblePlaces Blog provides updates and analysis of the latest in biblical archaeology, history, and geography. Why should anyone want to go out when God and all his people and everything good is inside. I went to a website and read the list of anathemas directed against his teachings and found out that he goes farther than the final restoration of all of mankind and goes as far as saying the devil would one day be repentant and saved. Also, to pin this on one word is a common folly. He does not say say that Sodom underwent "punishment of eternal fire" but that Sodom is an example for those that will.]. "After the ages, there will be no need to describe Him to anyone because all will know Him fully, just as they also are known by Him now.". I haven't memorised all the conciliar canons and anathemata but I think neither have you. This is a false teaching. City officials occasionally sought to get rid of the garbage and also cover the stench by igniting the refuse on fire. I can use the common meaning of words in scripture. Fears becalmed. But you are faking compassion – you don't want the damned to suffer but have no problem with seeing them dead. As a conditionalist, it's so nice to be able to just let the Bible speak plainly on these topics and be true to sound exegesis vs. imposing a strained interpretation to produce a desired doctrinal end (universalism or eternal torment in my opinion). Mk. Gregory of Nyssa, another prominent teacher of universalism, drafted the part of the Nicean creed dealing with the trinity. Thanks for the article! Maybe you guys think you are as smart as our all knowing all seeing creator. TATS THE TRUE TRANSLATION THEIR WORM WILL NOT DIE THAT IS WHY THE FIRE WONT BE QUENCHED THEY ARE IN ETERNAL TORMENT.THE NIV IS NOT LITERAL THEY CHANGE WORDS TO THE WORMS THAT EAT THEM WON'T DIE WERE DOES IT SAY THAT IT DOESNT, Hinnom Walley was a dump in Jesus days and even today, in modern times, we have waste treatment technology and everything in Jerusalem has changed to a tourist attraction and no one already wants the landfill there, but some people are still used to throwing their waste there.https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7686626,35.2333475,3a,56.6y,328.92h,103.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szm6A_bN1OCNC7ikOFCcVTw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656. The verses are clearly parallel, so that eternal MUST mean the same for the blessed and the cursed. It does not need to be quenched. Isaiah closes his book with these words: Isaiah 66:24 (ESV) — “And they shall go out and look on the dead bodies of the men who have rebelled against me. But you making another mistake: so seem to think that if Jude and Ezekiel contradicted each other, such a contradiction could be solved by your screwed universalist theology. (66:5) If these bodies in Gehenna are meant to typify being in "hell" why would anyone want to go look at them? The second results in being in danger of the council, and the third results in danger of the fire of Gehenna. There are a lot of things we need to be saved from at this point, but there will come a point when there will be nothing we need to be saved from. There are quite a few verses in the gospel expressing the same idea in different words, e.g. New garbage was piled on top of the old decaying garbage: rotting fish, slimy vegetation, decaying human refuse of every imaginable sort. Regarding individuals, councils excommunicated those that refused to accept a definition reached (or for crimes i.e. That the valley was just outside the city of Jerusalem made it an appropriate symbol for those excluded from divine blessing. He is not being literal here, He is speaking about cutting off or getting rid of something of the carnal man. Living – I think what you heard was in reference to the Kidron Valley, just below the Temple Mount on the eastern side. You are right about Origen's apocatastasis getting him in trouble. Consider this myth to be thoroughly debunked. If ALL will be made alive than any passage referring to future punishment MUST be viewed in light of that fact. And does the father disinherit the son after the latter has conquered and toiled for him. The wonderful promise that is "You lot will experience everlasting happiness while the rest of the world suffers unimaginable torment for eternity"? And speaking of context, you are ignoring the context that Jesus is alluding to in this passage, and that is Isaiah 66:23-24. Case in point, Jude 1:7 it says that Sodom and Gomorrah served as example of those who will suffer the punishment of "eternal fire". Some people use this historical tidbit to make a point either to paint a picture how foul, vivid and terrible hell would be, or alternately to suggest that there is no eternal hell, and the references Jesus makes to the fires of hell and torment was simply a reference to this burning trash pile. Romans 5:18-21 So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men. Words can indeed mean different things at different times, with different context and different people. The websites I had read did not mention all of this, it seems that they were trying to say that it wasn't his teaching on the final salvation of all men that got him in trouble, it was all the stuff that Origen tacked on to that. by DrHeiser | Apr 7, 2011 | AAG, Afterlife / Sheol / Hades, Ancient Sites & Archaeology, NakedBible, New Testament | 6 | That’s the title of this worthwhile post from Todd Bolen. But no matter what they eat, do not die, THEY LEAVE WHAT THEY ARE EATING TO BECOME A FLY OR MOTH. "WHEN your sisters, Sodom and her daughters, return to their former state, and Samaria and her daughters return to their former state, then you and your daughters will return to your former state. These cookies do not store any personal information. And as you know from experience, a dump without flies is a dump without garbage. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. PS. "Are you referring to Origen? Even when the term "aionian" is applied to God Himself, this does not mean it is describing Him as eternal. It is clear: Gehenna is hell, not a trash dump. if you use the NIV version of the Bible the words "and shut out" are not in the Greek, rather just the preposition "from"). It is said that the garbage dump of Gehenna was full of rotting garbage, which sent up a stench that could be smelled for miles. And nowhere did either Christ or any Apostle ever teach that. [Are you serious? It was like the time of the reproach of the daughters of Syria and all those around her, and of jthe daughters of the Philistines, who despise you everywhere. Everlasting is only aionios in Greek, so that everlasting hell becomes only age-during garbage dump, the age being not 2011 but just AD 70. Is. If you don't like it, go and take something else but don't put your thoughts into Christ's mouth. There are stories of fires that were kept burning via the adding of brimstone (sulfur). 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