Search - Donald Fagen :: The Nightfly Trilogy (3-MVI DVD + 4-CD Box The album is a futuristic optimistic 8 song-cycle about the journey of the narrator in his high-tech car, the Kamakiri (Japanese for praying 窶ヲ KAMAKIRIAD (1993) 豁」逶エ縺ェ縺ィ縺薙m縲√%縺ョ繧サ繝�繝遺�ヲ雋キ縺�縺九←縺�縺九�ッ蟆代��霑キ縺」縺溘�� 蜿朱鹸譖イ縺九i縺ソ繧後�ー縲�"MORPH THE CAT" 縺ョ蠕後↓繝ェ繝ェ繝シ繧ケ縺輔l縺� 繝懊ャ繧ッ繧ケ繝サ繧サ繝�繝� "NIGHTFLY TRILOGY"(遒コ縺区律譛ャ逶、譛ェ逋コ螢イ�シ峨↓ "SUNKEN CONDOS" 縺悟刈繧上▲縺溘□縺鯛�ヲ"10 EXTRAS" 縺ッ縺薙�ョ荳ュ縺ォ譌「縺ォ蜷ォ縺セ繧後※縺�縺溘b縺ョ縺ィ蜷御ク�蜀�螳ケ縺�縺九i縺�縲� It is an odd concept, and one that is not obvious to the listener, but reflection upon Fagen's liner notes while listening to the album does tend to evoke a vision of a 窶ヲ Released On May 25, 1993 By Reprise. Kamakiriad is the second solo album by Steely Dan artist Donald Fagen, released in 1993. It is an odd concept, and one that is not obvious to the listener, but reflection upon Fagen's liner notes while listening to the album does tend to evoke a vision of a non-apocalyptic near future, where swingers sip cocktails and fresh Created by Rachael8Lx, May 07, 2020 1 views ... Don't ask, that is, unless you're prepared for a torrent of technical and ... Donald Fagen The Nightfly 1982rar. Repelis [HD-720p] Donald Fagen: Kamakiriad [2003] online Película Completa En Español Latino streaming *HD*Swingville donald fagen kamakiriad 1993 liner notes donald fagen tim white comentario kamakiriad 1993 es el Donald Fagen's complete "Nightfly" trilogy The Nightfly, Kamakiriad & Morph ... Digital Album Booklet (PDF) with expanded liner notes for each album with a.... One of the founding members of Steely Dan, Donald Fagen's Tip 3: The liner notes for each album are on the MVI discs. It is an odd concept, and one that is not obvious to the listener, but reflection upon Fagen's liner notes while listening to the album does tend to evoke a vision of a non-apocalyptic near future, where swingers sip cocktails and fresh The album reached #10 on the U.S. charts and #3 in the UK. The album was promoted by the first Steely Dan tour in nearly 20 years, and while the record failed to sell, the concerts were Kamakiriad is the second solo album by Steely Dan singer Donald Fagen, released in 1993. Liner notes: Donald Fagen, Tim White COMENTARIO "Kamakiriad" (1993) es el segundo álbum en solitario de Donald Fagen donde nos narra, en 8 cortes de canciones optimistas, la Kamakiri (amantis religiosa en japonés) a bordo de su coche de alta tecnología, un viaje futurista e interestelar. Tim White 窶� Liner Notes Recorded 1990-93. The album is a futuristic, optimistic eight-song cycle about the journey of the narrator in his high-tech car, the Kamakiri (Japanese for praying 窶ヲ Explaining the 11-year gap between The Nightfly and its follow-up Kamakiriad, Fagen writes in the boxed set's liner notes: "During the final mix down of [The Nightfly], I started to feel kind of funny, and that feeling turned into an Released 21 May 1993 on Reprise (catalog no. The original U.S. release was on cassette and compact disc only; vinyl was issued only in Germany for distribution throughout Europe. Donald Fagen 窶� Liner Notes . 繝峨リ繝ォ繝峨�サ繝輔ぉ繧、繧イ繝ウ縺ョ繧「繝ォ繝舌Β縲�Kamakiriad縲上↓蜿朱鹸縺輔l縺ヲ縺�繧九�熊lorida room縲阪�ッ縲√ラ繝翫Ν繝峨�サ繝輔ぉ繧、繧イ繝ウ縺ィ繝ェ繝薙�シ繝サ繧ソ繧、繧ソ繧ケ縺ョ蜈ア菴懊〒縺吶�ゅ∪縺溘��Kamakiriad縲上↓縺ッ縲√Ξ繝エ繧ゥ繝ウ繝サ繝倥Ν繝�縺ィ縺ョ髢薙↓謗医°縺」縺溘お繧、繝溘�シ繝サ繝倥Ν繝�縺後ヰ繝�繧ッ繝サ繝エ繧ゥ繝シ繧ォ繝ォ縺ァ蜿ょ刈縺励※縺�縺セ縺呻シ育ァ√�ッ縺薙�ョ繧「繝ォ繝舌Β繧よ悴閨エ縺ァ縺呻シ峨�� It was his first collaboration since 1980 with Steely Dan partner Walter Becker , who produced the album. Background: Released in 1993, Kamakiriad was the second solo album by Donald Fagen. 閾ェ蛻�縺ョ謨ー蟄励→1縺ァ縺励°蜑イ繧雁��繧後↑縺�謨ー繧堤エ�謨ー縺ィ縺�縺�縲ゅ→縺�縺�縺ョ繧偵>縺、謨吶o縺」縺溘�ョ縺九�∫ョ玲焚譎ゆサ」縺九i謨ー蟄ヲ縺悟ォ後>縺ェ繧上◆縺励�ッ隕壹∴縺ヲ縺ッ縺�縺ェ縺�縺代l縺ゥ縲∫エ�謨ー縺ォ縺ッ鬥エ譟薙∩縺後≠縺」縺ヲ縲∵�� 窶ヲ The collaboration officially resumed with Becker's production of Fagen's 1993 release, "Kamakiriad", on which he also played bass and guitar. The audio on the Extras CD is virtually identical to the audio of all the duplicate MVI [mixi]Steely Dan 縲�KAMAKIRIAD縲阪〒縺雁・ス縺阪↑譖イ縺ッ�シ� 縲卦he Nightfly縲阪′縺ゅ∪繧翫↓繧ょ錐逶、縺吶℃繧九◆繧√°縲√��KAMAKIRIAD縲阪▲縺ヲ縺ゅ∪繧願ゥア鬘後↓荳翫i縺ェ縺�縺ァ縺吶h縺ュ縲ゅ■繧�縺」縺ィ縲√°繧上>縺昴≧縺ェ縺ョ縺ァ縲√ヨ繝斐ャ繧ッ繧剃ス懊i縺帙※縺�縺溘□縺阪∪縺励◆縲� Nightfly Trilogy: Nightfly / Kamakiriad / Morph Cat縺後�昴ャ繝励せ繧ケ繝医い縺ァ縺�縺、縺ァ繧ゅ♀雋キ縺�蠕励�ょス捺律縺頑�・縺惹セソ蟇セ雎。蝠�蜩√�ッ縲∝ス捺律縺雁ア翫¢蜿ッ閭ス縺ァ縺吶�ゅい繝槭だ繝ウ驟埼�∝膚蜩√�ッ縲�騾壼クク驟埼�∫┌譁呻シ井ク�驛ィ髯、縺擾シ峨�� It is an odd concept, and one that is not obvious to the listener, but reflection upon Fagen's liner notes while listening to the album does tend to evoke a vision of a non-apocalyptic near future, where swingers sip cocktails and fresh If you read through the liner notes on 窶�Kamakiriad,窶� Christopher Parker, one of the most-in-demand studio drummers on the music scene, gets the credit for his excellent work on 窶弋rans-Island Skyway,窶� 窶廚ountermoon,窶� 窶廡lorida Kamakiriad, an Album by Donald Fagen. Fagen, in turn, has co-written songs for the solo album Becker hopes to have out in Fagen didn't record another album until 1993, when he reunited with Becker, who produced Kamakiriad. (雜�蛛剰ヲ�)繝ゥ繧、繝翫�シ繝弱�シ繝�縲侵EVERLAND邱ィ竭�縲� 縺輔※縺輔※縲らァ√′縺薙�ョ繝悶Ο繧ー繧貞ァ九a縺�1逡ェ縺ョ逅�逕ア縺ィ險�縺」縺ヲ繧る℃險�縺ァ縺ッ縺ェ縺�縺薙l縲� 縲�繝ゥ繧、繝翫�シ繝弱�シ繝�縲阪→繧�繧峨r縺壹▲縺ィ繧�縺」縺ヲ縺ソ縺溘°縺」縺滂シ��シ� 繧ゅ→繧ゅ→菴穂コ九↓縺翫>縺ヲ繧よキア隱ュ縺ソ縺吶k闃ク莠コ縺ェ遘√�� Find album credit information for Kamakiriad - Donald Fagen on AllMusic Recording Location Clinton Recording, New York, NY Hit Factory, New York, NY Hyperbolic Sound, HI River Sound 9 45230-2; CD). It was his first collaboration since 1980 with Steely Dan partner Walter Becker , who produced the album. Other notes: The mix on Kamkiriad is quite different from that on the standard CD. Genres: Jazz Pop, Sophisti-Pop. It is an odd concept, and one that is not obvious to the listener, but reflection upon Fagen's liner notes while listening to the album does tend to evoke a vision of a non-apocalyptic near future, where swingers sip cocktails and fresh 蠎怜錐 蟇晏ア句キ� BAR Liner Notes 繝阪Ζ繧ャ繝ッ繝舌�シ繝ゥ繧、繝翫�シ繝弱�シ繝� 髮サ隧ア逡ェ蜿キ 072-839-7771 窶サ縺雁撫蜷医o縺帙�ョ髫帙�ッ縺舌k縺ェ縺ウ繧定ヲ九◆縺ィ縺贋シ昴∴縺�縺溘□縺代l縺ー蟷ク縺�縺ァ縺吶�� 菴乗園 縲�572-0048 螟ァ髦ェ蠎懷ッ晏ア句キ晏クょ、ァ蛻ゥ逕コ11-35 �シ医お繝ェ繧「�シ壼ッ晏ア句キ晢シ� 邨仙ア�縲∝ヵ縺溘■繧ら函縺阪※縺�縺ヲ縲� 縺�縺代@縺ヲ縺上l縺溘iOK縺吶�阪→縺九�瑚ヲ玖ソ斐j縺ェ縺励〒縺薙l縺�縺代♀鬘倥>縺励∪縺吶�阪→縺九�� 蜿」縺ォ繧ゅ☆繧九@縲∬ィ�繧上l繧ゅ☆繧九�� 繝ッ繝ゥ縺ォ繧ゅ☆縺後k諤昴>縺ァ縲∝ソ�縺九i縺ョ縲√�梧怙菴朱剞縺企。倥>縺励◆縺�縺薙→縲阪→縺�縺�豌玲戟縺。縲� Donald Fagen's second solo album is a song cycle of sorts, following the adventures of an imaginary protagonist as he travels the world in his car, a brand-new Kamakiri. liner notes: Timothy White (journalist) (in 1993) Donald Fagen (in 2003) brass [horn] arranger and other instruments [rhythm] arranger:Donald Fagen mastering: Bob Ludwig (mastering engineer) Glenn Meadows alto saxophone and Featured peformers: Donald Fagen (keyboards, vocals, arranger, horn arrangements, liner notes, songwriter), Walter Becker (aka_text {bass guitar} role_id 1075.aka_text, electric guitar, 窶ヲ