macsteel price list 2019
Code Description Size (mm) Unit per m² per pallet Weight (kg) Price (Excl. Sheet Metal Prices and Specs. wpfdajaxurl = "";
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var tagsLabel = {wpfdbeecertificate : "BEE Certificate",}; Every Size. NJR Steel branches stock a broad range of sheet steel - thin, flat steel with a thickness of 6,0 mm or less. The Macsteel is offering the New Internships 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Steel prices at the beginning of 2020 are relatively stable when compared to 2019 despite a momentary spike in December. Successfully added to trolley. Sizabantu Eastern Cape TOM500 PVC-O. price list. Latest Price List: (Please check effective date) s110 - Plate. Consisting of 8 dynamic Business Units and operating from a strategic network of more than 50 service centres, branches and warehouses, Macsteel supplies the entire Sub-Saharan … This hardware store is part of the SPAR group and they employ over 10,000 people across the group. prices valid from: 19 november 2020 (incl. For information regarding COVID-19 in South Africa, please visit }); EMAIL US. +27 (011) 871-0000 | 7 Brook Road, Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa +27 (011) 871-0000 | 7 Brook Road, Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa a grade prices inc vat. Delivery within five working days. s111 - Quenched and Tempered Plate. The Macsteel Internship Programme 2019 will boost your experience level in short span of time, and you will get more better Jobs in … Free shipping on orders R1000 or more!"{{/if}}
s120 - Hot Rolled Coil (Thin Gauge: 1,2mm to 1,4mm) s121 - Hot Rolled Coil (Pickled and Oiled) s122 - Hot Rolled Wheel Steel. Well done to Ian Nortier and team. Subscribe below and you will receive an email notification as soon as we post. More About Price Lists. 011 362 1551/2. +27 (011) 871-0000 | 7 Brook Road, Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa Corner Ermelo & Dagbreek Road, Largo–SPRINGS. jQuery(document).ready(function () {filterData = {"exclude":"0"}; we do not manufacture smaller than 180m². With a proud history spanning 116 years, Macsteel Service Centres SA has developed and expanded to be AFRICA’S LEADING MANUFACTURER, MERCHANDISER AND DISTRIBUTOR OF STEEL AND VALUE ADDED STEEL PRODUCTS.. distributors of ford tools. For over 40 years, Macksteel™ has grown to become a regional distributor and fabricator of metal and metal products. var filterData = null; var defaultAllTags = ["bee-certificate"];
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Current prices from Price List Vol 5 will only be valid until the 31st May 2019.{{/if}}. Africa's leading supplier of carbon steel, stainless steel, speciality steels, aluminium products. Lawnmowers & Accessories; Trimmers & Accessories; ... Macsteel 6000 x 10mm Square Bar Steel. Macsteel Service Centres SA is recruiting interns to start in March 2019 in the following disciplines: Create. Download Pricelist.