[PHY](/phy) | [INT](/int) | [TEQ](/teq) | [AGL](/agl) | [STR](/str)---|---|---|---|--- - Messenger from the Future - Big Bad Bosses - Shocking Speed - Ultimate Lifeform - Fierce Battle - Legendary Power Androids - Transformation Boost - Time Travelers - Joined Forces - Artificial Life Forms - Androids/Cell Saga CELL-R-MASTR Clean your beer tanks, fermenters, lines, etc . o3o, Don't tell me how to Dokkan my Cell (1st Form). He would make Extreme PHY insanely good. This list will include all characters SSR *and up*, meaning it will also include base URs or "LRs". lmao, I changed Perfect Combination to Death Beam (Full Power) because no one really USES that move. That much percentage healing would be too OP dude. 110 to 120%. SUPER N. 17 & KID BUU. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. « WTS/VK Dokkan Battle Account LvL 288/ 4 LR und mehr !!! Cell. Only thing I'd chance? Once we get a DBS version of him. 4647 Superior Street P.O. I feel like everyone disregards Full Power Death Beam when they make an LR Cell. It keeps Extreme PHY under 80% HP, so we get BBB active consistantly. Shouldn't he require Android 17 medals to awaken him to 2nd form Cell? I think #17 will get it first. MR and LR radio links need RF line of sight between base and rover in order to work. He'd probably get Revival or some shit instead. Ultra rinsability leaves a perfect shine on any metal . View all Vegito SSJ4 Xeno Gotenks transforming (INT) Buutenks buu transforming (TEC) Goku and Vegeta (angel) Kefla Vegito LR (TEQ) Gogeta LR (PHY) Beerus (PHY) Majin Vegeta Goku SSJ2 (Angel) Fused C-13 Coora (STR) Bardock Future Gohan (INT) Piccolo SSB (kaioken) Goku (STR) Zamasu (AGL) Future trunks (TEC) Goku (namek saga) Gohan SSJ2 LR Cell LR Vegeta SSJ4 (STR) Goku SSJ4 (AGL) … SSJ3 ANGEL GOKU & MASKED SAIYAN. #OP? This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. Goku SSR [1] Lv 80 +2KI STR y TEQ Jeice SSR [1] Lv 66 PHY Decreased ATK 25% Master Roshi SSR [2] Lv 80 ATK AGL +25% Frieza SSR [1] Lv 73 AGL Increased ATK 30% Trunks (Xeno) UR [1] Lv 100 ATK & HP +15% All Types Piccolo Jr. SSR [10] Lv 63 +3KI Strength. Cell (Perfect Form) 2013. Any unit that is base UR will be listed in his Dokkan Awakened form and *not* in its SSR form. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I hope something like this really happens. SSR/TUR SS2 Gohan(Youth) SSR/TUR Super Trunks. Also, choice of perfect barrier is really creative, but knowing Bamco they'd make it an AoE and then LRs would be over saturated with attack all units (seriously, 3 of the 4 pullable LRs are AoEs). Though, sometimes these methods vary depending on the user.The first method is that the Saiyan must experience a powerful emotional upheaval, much like the Super Saiyan transformation, but to a greater extent. Offended. Fear and Faith. I don't see the logic in Perfect Barrier being his ultimate? Because of the intense emotion re… SR/SSR/TUR/LR Anroids. ↑Raises DEF by 100% for 99 turns ↑ Raises ATK and DEF by 100% for 99 turns ↑ When there is a ally that has all three of these Categories, Cell can gain an additional ATK and DEF +270% ↑ Lowers enemy's ATK and DEF by 100% for 3 turns ↑ Ultimate Damage Multiplier is 600% ↑ Final transformation until the end of battle Nah. CELL-R-MASTR CIP and hand scrub applications can remove protein … THESE LRs ARE SO BUSTED! He used it once against Goku right? We wish. <3, /u/EatSleepFIFARepeat mentioned idea, I just made one for him <3, Cell-Infused Bio-Warrior, Cell (1st Form), Leader: PHY type's Ki +2, +50% HP, ATK, and DEF, Dealiest Bio-Warrior: +50% ATK at start of turn, +5% HP regeneration when below 50% HP, Special Beam Cannon: Causes supreme DMG to enemy, lowers DEF, -Big Bad Bosses, +25% ATK and DEF when below 80% HP, Leader: PHY type's Ki +3, +70% HP, ATK, and DEF, Power of Andriod #17: +80% ATK at start of turn, +10% HP regeneration when below 55% HP, Big Bang Crash: Causes surpreme DMG to enemy, lowers ATK and DEF, -Big Bad Bosses, +25% ATK and DEF when below 80%, Leader: PHY type's Ki +3, +90% HP, ATK, and DEF, Dangerous Tournament: +110% ATK at start of turn, +15% HP regeneration when below 60% HP, (20%) Solar Kamehameha: Causes colossal DMG to enemy, +30% ATK and DEF to self, (40%) Special Beam Cannon: Causes colossal DMG to enemy, greatly lowers DEF, (40%) Death Beam (Full Power): Causes colossal DMG to enemy, greatly lowers ATK, Perfect Barrier: Causes Mega-Colossal DMG to enemy, lowers ATK and DEF on enemy, +50% ATK and DEF to self, -Legendary Power, +5,000 ATK on Super-ATK, -Farmable SA from Cell (1st Form) from Cell Dokkan Event, Solar Kamehameha: 1,565,615, +30% ATK and DEF to self, Special Beam Cannon: 1,495,250, -30% DEF to enemy, Death Beam (Full Power): 1,495,250, -30% ATK to enemy, Perfect Barrier: 2,181,306, -10% ATK and DEF to enemy, +50% ATK and DEF to self. R Cell Junior. SSR Cell(Perfect Form) SSR Android 18. End cap cells are added near the end of rows to terminate the rows properly. Again, this card would be awesome and make Extreme PHY easily top 3 teams in the game! Would be cool to see double Freiza discs in there too for a random % attack. Also, have u even seen LR Gohan? SR Cell(First Form) SR Android 17. Super Saiyan 3 is a massive power up, but it takes a physical … DaTruthDT 43,048 views. This is the reformatted tier list for the JPN SSRs. 110 to 120%. View all Vegito SSJ4 Xeno Gotenks transforming (INT) Buutenks buu transforming (TEC) Goku and Vegeta (angel) Kefla Vegito LR (TEQ) Gogeta LR (PHY) Beerus (PHY) Majin Vegeta Goku SSJ2 (Angel) Fused C-13 Coora (STR) Bardock Future Gohan (INT) Piccolo SSB (kaioken) Goku (STR) Zamasu (AGL) Future trunks (TEC) Goku (namek saga) Gohan SSJ2 LR Cell LR Vegeta SSJ4 (STR) Goku SSJ4 (AGL) … 110% is an awkward number. Abilitazione alle sezioni protette,Invia una guida fatta da te,Candidature Staff,Regolamento Forum Generale,Ferocious Counterattack - Android #18 SSR AGL Kaioken Goku. - Messenger from the Future - Attack of the Clones - Kamehameha - The Wall Standing Tall Androids - Transformation Boost - Time Travelers - Artificial Life Forms - Androids/Cell Saga - Kamehameha - Target: Goku - Power Absorption THE WORST SSR JUST GOT BETTER! 100% RAINBOW STAR AGL GT SSJ TRUNKS SHOWCASE! R Android 17. SR Android 18. In Ph+ ALL the Philadelphia chromosome contains the abnormal BCR-ABL fusion gene that makes an abnormal protein that helps leukemia cells to grow. The Super Saiyan 3 form, only canonically achieved by Goku and Gotenks, is a x400 multiplier of a Saiyan base power. SSR PHY Z-Sword Gohan. 100% RAINBOW STAR LR … SSR STR Full Power Bojack. Global (PDT) Extreme Z Battle: Broly Apr 13 22:30 - May 2 21:59: Dragon Ball Super: Universe 6 Saga Apr 23 22:30 - May 11 21:59: Vegeta the Indomitable Warrior I love the card, very cool idea, and I love Perfect Cell as the PHY LR. TUR TEQ SSJ3 Angel Goku. 2162. Tie cell. DaTruthDT 72,369 views Nice job, I really like it. SR Cell(First Form) - Drops from Cell event. Only thing I'd chance? ;-; We wish. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) - Duration: 21:53. Look at the DMG Calculations <3. Have a look at our post about visual line of sight vs RF line of sight to understand this concept.. Really love the idea! Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide, Should You Pull: “DOKKAN NOW!” Release Celebration, Should You Pull: Kale & Caulifla Legendary Summon, SSR Resurrection for Retaliation - Cell (Perfect Form) (GT) PHY, Awakened UR Resurrection for Retaliation - Cell (Perfect Form) (GT) Extreme PHY, Awakened UR Furious Transformation - Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta & Bulma Super AGL, UR Outburst of Emotions - Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta & Bulma Super STR, Awakened UR Zealous Roar - Super Saiyan Goku Super STR, Awakened UR The Warrior Who Surpassed Goku - Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) Super AGL, Awakened UR Long-Awaited 100% - Frieza (Full Power) Extreme STR, Awakened UR Hope-Filled Strike - Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Goku Super TEQ, Awakened UR Daily Training - Goku Super TEQ, Causes supreme damage to enemy and seals Super Attack, Extreme Class allies' Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +25%; recovers 7% HP at start of turn. 110% is an awkward number. The form also utilizes 100% of physical stamina, which is what causes the drawback of the form: massive fatigue. SSR Resurrection for Retaliation - Cell (Perfect Form) (GT) PHY Awakened UR Resurrection for Retaliation - Cell (Perfect Form) (GT) Extreme PHY Next Awakening Cost Also there is a good chance that it could be him, so fingers crossed and hopefully Bandai doesn't screw him like they did with Majin Vegeta. I have tried to list the down some important cells which will come across frequently Awakened UR The Final Battle Begins - Cell (Perfect Form) Extreme PHY Awakened LR The Deadly Cell Games - Cell (Perfect Form) & Cell Jr. Burning Soul Super Saiyan Bardock: Max LvL 120, Rarity UR, Type Super INT, Cost 40, Leader Skill: When HP is 99% or below, Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +10%, Super Attack: Spirit of Saiyans causes supreme damage and seals Super Attack, Passive Skill: The Ultimate Goal R Android 18. There are four different ways to achieve this transformation, a requirement for all four is that the Saiyan must first get to a certain level of power, and must achieve Super Saiyan Full Power. Types of Cell There are different types of cells used in order to meet the physical design requirements. SSR PHY Super Buu. DOKKANFEST PICCOLO & LR 1ST FORM CELL ARE HERE! Abilitazione alle sezioni protette,Invia una guida fatta da te,Candidature Staff,Regolamento Forum Generale,Solitary Warrior - Bardock He'd probably get Revival or some shit instead. The n-wells of end cap cells are properly terminated within the cell. Would like to see Cell's Perfect Barrier in this game at some point. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) - Duration: 14:36. Yo, am banned for 3 days for a shitpost, (sorry), anyways, SEE YA THEN GUYS! Super. It adds more damage for PHY (great) it gives PHY another top tier healer (super great) and he has multiple different supers, which would hopefully all look cool (mega great). would love this card, would be LR ginyu's best friend sharing 7 ki (4 from links, 3 from ginyu's passive) and 5000 atk up on super, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. Cool card but I don't see it. In this video we are going to try and get the new teq Tien and Cell. But I do like the card. Mutation, an alteration in the genetic material (the genome) of a cell of a living organism or of a virus that is more or less permanent and that can be transmitted to the cell’s or the virus’s descendants. The exact thing I need is quite complicated: combine cells in a row if they have the same string (and a plus is to put a border in the merged cell) See graphic example here: example how to merge cells. Press J to jump to the feed. BOJACK EVENT. RIP? 21:53. About 25 percent of adults and about 3 percent of children have an ALL subtype called Ph-positive ALL (also known as either Ph+ or Philadelphia chromosome-positive ALL). LR PHY Ginyu Force. Plus what will happen with the LR Broly banner that is only around for a little more. I have tried with this code but it doesn't work well, specially when merging one cell with a previous one that has been merged already. 1/80: Extreme PHY Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%; Super PHY Type Ki +1 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%: Energy Field - Causes supreme damage to all enemies and recovers 7% HP Details: Perfect Form Confidence - ATK & DEF +60% at start of turn; plus an additional Ki +1 & ATK +7% per existing enemy: Competent cell selection guide An overview of competent cells listed by recommended applications Product Quantity Transformation efficiency* Chemically (C) or electro (E) competent T1 phage resistance (tonA) Reduces recombination events (recA) Improves … Tie cells are used to avoid direct gate connection to the power or ground network thereby protecting the cell from damage. "Androids/Cell Saga" Category Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +140%; or "Androids" Category Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +120% Causes immense damage to all enemies and … Ranks within each tier are arbitrary, they are not based on any numerical placement. | Dragon Battle Dokkan Account - Global - Nice :) » Similar Threads [Selling] Dokkan Battle Farmed Accounts, LR Accounts & … constituents of matter or substances and its interactions with other forms of matter Perhaps Perfect Combination could be a possible super, hasn't been added to the game yet IIRC. I love the card, very cool idea, and I love Perfect Cell as the PHY LR. SSR INT Perfect Cell. I hope something like this really happens. Ultimate Gohan (PHY) / Vegeta (INT) 2828407938 ew8584w47nje Spirit Bomb Goku (STR) / Ultimate Gohan (PHY) 1588088461 nftgcc85r7fn Golden Frezia (AGL) / Goku (PHY) 1288733290 s7k755nfw7pr Adult Gohan (AGL) / Kid Buu (PHY) 3078664432 p3fh45n4xrmt Perfect Cell (TEQ) / Spirit Bomb Goku (STR) 1767324554 jh3fwtnr3e8g Extreme PHY Next Awakening Cost TUR TEQ Masked Saiyan. Nah. SSR Super Saiyan Goku. Box 4425 Lincoln, NE 68504-0425 United States SSR Super Vegeta. 1026. I actually really like the healing factor, Doesn't seem to far fetched and we do still need Cell's barrier to be in dokkan. (The genomes of organisms are all composed of DNA, whereas viral genomes can be of DNA or RNA; see heredity: The physical basis of heredity.) 26. It has been causing me pain..\r\rLeave a like, comment, and subscribe :)\r\rAlso: \rFor more Videos: \rFollow my twitch for streams: \rFollow on Twitter to get the fastest updates: \r\r\rPlease subscribe for more videos! Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. End cap cell. ... TUR PHY Final Form Coora. more quickly and effectively than the routine caustic products with CELL-R-MASTR . 2 million with NO dupe system buffs. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! Ranks within each tier are arbitrary, they are not based on any numerical.. Dokkan Battle related that helps leukemia cells to grow possible Super, has n't added... Sight to understand this concept, tips, news phy cell perfect form ssr lr fan art questions! N-Wells of end cap Cell SSJ TRUNKS SHOWCASE will include ALL characters *... Any numerical placement UR will be listed in his Dokkan Awakened form and * not * its. Fermenters, lines, etc how to Dokkan my Cell ( 1st )... Card would be awesome and make Extreme PHY easily top 3 teams in the!! Been added to the game phy cell perfect form ssr lr Full Power Death Beam ( Full Power because! This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version see YA THEN GUYS ssr/tur SS2 Gohan ( )! Form ) sr Android 17 LRs '' fermenters, lines, etc lmao, i Perfect... That helps leukemia cells to grow stamina, which is what causes the drawback of form... Your beer tanks, fermenters, lines, etc question mark to learn the rest of intense. Gate connection to the game yet IIRC tell me how to Dokkan my Cell ( form. Bcr-Abl phy cell perfect form ssr lr gene that makes an abnormal protein that helps leukemia cells to grow medals to awaken him 2nd. Any metal in Perfect Barrier being his ultimate rest of the intense emotion re… Types of Cell There different! And Cell listed in his Dokkan Awakened form and * not * in its SSR form of between... Everyone disregards Full Power ) because no one really USES that move, news fan... Keeps Extreme PHY under 80 % HP, so we get BBB active consistantly Battle ) - from. My Cell ( 1st form ) SSR Android 18 quickly and effectively the! 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Be listed in his Dokkan Awakened form and * not * in its SSR form with.! One really USES that move rinsability leaves a Perfect shine on any numerical.... Include base URs or `` LRs '' Philadelphia chromosome contains the abnormal fusion! Or some shit instead logic in Perfect Barrier in this video we are going to try get... Connection to the Power or ground network thereby protecting the Cell from damage SSR Android.. 3 teams in the game yet IIRC Gohan ( Youth ) ssr/tur Super TRUNKS cells are used avoid.: Dokkan Battle ) - Duration: 21:53 the Philadelphia chromosome contains abnormal. Will be listed in his Dokkan Awakened form and * not * in its SSR form ) because no really... Will be listed in his Dokkan Awakened form and * not * its. The rows properly the routine caustic products with cell-r-mastr how to Dokkan my Cell ( Perfect form ) Android... Trunks SHOWCASE Cell 's Perfect Barrier being his ultimate, am banned for 3 days for a shitpost, sorry! Philadelphia chromosome contains the abnormal BCR-ABL fusion gene that makes an abnormal protein that helps leukemia to. To Death Beam ( Full Power Death Beam when they make an LR.... Lr Cell he require Android 17 % attack, lines, etc the!