Aug 19, 2020 - Explore Eli Power's board "Dungeons and dragons heroes" on Pinterest. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ©2020 Wizards. Blur Edit Page Content. Several years later, Greenwood brought the setting to publication for the D&D game as a series of magazine articles, and … The Red Knight, and through her Tempus, is trying to persuade Valkur to take more of an interest in the disposition of naval conflicts, but he feels his primary responsibilities lie in the protection of sailors. Sphere of Influence Favor: Albatross, silver sea gullDisfavor: Black ravenGeneral: Dolphins, whales Sailors Portfolio Blue, white Tempus Some clerics of Valkur captain sailing ships that sail the length of the Sword Coast or across the Sea of Fallen Stars. Valkur's symbol is a shield bearing a cloud with three lightning bolts, and his favored weapon is a cutlass known as "The Captain's Cutlass". [13], It was believed that Valkur may have once been a mortal sailor who challenged Umberlee and emerged victorious. SMITE Tier List for Season 7 – September 2020 Patch 7.7. Safe Harbor Domain is not supported in Neverwinter Nights. Northlanders CG god, Tempest domain, and your character embraces lawfulness in the cause of Good. Realm Chaotic good Valkur is your choice for a good-aligned sailor of any sort. [13], Valkur's philosophy often put him in conflict with the capricious ocean-goddess Umberlee and he was a sworn enemy of the Deities of Fury. Said to blessed by both Valkur and Umberlee at her birth, the Storm Maiden gathered great numbers of Noris to her banner, and it seemed she might contest the king for control of Norland. Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game.Commonly referred to by players and game designers alike as "The Realms", it was created by game designer Ed Greenwood around 1967 as a setting for his childhood stories. August 5, 2020. He wields the greatsword Kelmarin battle. [13], The church of Valkur was loosely organized. Captain of the WavesThe Mighty Most of these rituals are related to ships and voyages, including ceremonies at a ship’s christening, before departing on a voyage, when arriving at a new port, and when returning to the home port, among others. *Dungeons & Dragons . Istishia (is-tish-ee-ah) is the elemental embodiment of water. ... Jergal, Valkur and Llirra would both be Lesser Deities now instead of Demigods. Worshipers He appears as a jolly sea captain who can pilot any vessel. Favorable Winds Naval Combat Ships Domains RPG Crossing Home: Forums: Create An Account! Forgotten Realms Wiki has an article about: Valkur. Safe Harbor Weekly email with the previous week's articles. Valkur, also known as Valkur the Mighty, is a chaotic good lesser deity of sailors. See more ideas about Dungeons and dragons, Fantasy characters, Character art. The party in my game have had no direct contact with members of Valkur's church as yet (that they know of, anyway). The purpose of the festival was to celebrate the breaking up of ice floes in the north, which marked the beginning of the sailing season. In this supplement I have created three new otherworldly patrons, as well as adding a new pact boon, the pact of the body. 5e: Avatars of the Gods — Valkur, God of Sailors and Naval Warfare Next in line for my treatment of statblocks for powerful entities is Valkur. Channel divinity Life is to be lived and damn the consequences. Worshipers Your body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see you. Valkur's dogma emphasises … OOC Valkur's Temple West Marches. Jump to: navigation, search. My group is about ready to go, and one player is contesting my cleric because Valkur isn't mentioned in the PHB. listen at the 56 min mark here: Likewise, on a question about 5e-era Luskan, he lists "Umberlee, Auril, Mask, Leira, Valkur, Tymora, Shaundakul, Loviatar, and Talos" as the deities "most worshipped / propitiated" in that city. Dolphins, sea birds like albatrosses and sea gulls, whales (particularly narwhals) He was friendly with Selûne, who guided sailors across the sea. He wears a fighting girdle made from a red dragon's hide, gauntlets from a white dragon's hide, and boots from a blue dragon's hide. Chaotic good More Warlock Patrons. Warrior's Rest Rather, Valkur helps those actively solving their own problems by helping their plans work. Sailors, safety of ships, favorable winds, naval combat The Red Knight, Goddess of Strategy ... ever come into conflict with each other and you need to adjudicate what happens. Type to search for a spell, item, class — anything! The main duty of a valkyrie is to transport the souls of the fallen and the brave dead to peace, and to do so they were given the ability to carry the spirits to their final resting place. Oct 6, 2018 - Explore Serenity Nick's board "D and D Characters" on Pinterest. 5th Edition Statistics[3][4] Wavehall of Valkur: Temple to Valkur; Deepwater Harbor. He protects ships against the cruel whims of Umberlee and the destruction of Talos. Some academics believe that Vulkoor is the drow interpretation of the god known as the Mockery. Home Plane Worshiperalignments Valkur. Valkur’s clergy regularly perform over a dozen separate ceremonies in the course of their duties. 1.1 Personality; 1.2 Physical Description; 1.3 Growth; 1.4 Relations; 1.5 Alignment; 1.6 Lands; 1.7 Religion; 1.8 Language. I'm relatively new and we're about to start a new campaign. "By Valkur's strapping buttocks!" Serves The Queenspire: Temple to Umberlee. Served By Valkur is said to communicate to his High Captains the exact date of the festival each year, and it often varies from city to city. Changeable as the winds, the Captain of the Waves is a fiercely loyal leader. Please give comments on balance, abilities and flavor. Tymora is a good pick for good-aligned roguish characters in general, and Selune would be an interesting pick for a good-aligned sailor that spends many nights navigating by moonlight. Game Thread Valkur's Temple West Marches. Demigod The clergy was known for helping sailors who were down on their luck. March 6, 2020. See more ideas about dungeons and dragons, dnd characters, dungeons and dragons homebrew. D&D 5th Edition Compendium. Portfolio Blue: Fantastic options, often essential to the function of your character. A cloud and three lightning bolts All donations matched (doubled) until Dec 20! Sailors in the North 2. 5e: CR31+ Monsters A while back I posted a series of statblocks representing the avatars of gods and powerful fiends. Site Rules & Help : RPG Crossing > Games > Dungeons & Dragons: 5e > West Marches [Game Thread] Valkur's Temple ... raised for charity! He may have once been a sea captain from Mintarn who dared challenge Umberlee and won. He is one of the four elemental deities worshiped in Faerun but, like all but Kossuth, has a very small following. Chaotic Good Orange: OK options, or useful options that only apply in rare circumstances 3. Symbol Valkur epitomizes the daring sea captain who can sail his ship through anything the Deities of Fury can unleash. You give each target you choose a new, illusory appearance. The thrill of exploration is sweeter than wine or rum. [13], The Order of the Calming Wave was founded by a group of pirates from the Sea of Swords who abandoned their worship of Umberlee after a particularly dangerous storm. Portfolio Akadi(ah-kah-dee) is the elemental embodiment of air. Warrior's Rest Tempest, War An unwilling target can make a Charisma saving throw, and if it succeeds, it is unaffected by this spell. Realm The Truth in Your Mailbox – Every Monday. Branwen "By Valkur's mighty blade!" Pantheons (5E) From silvesti. Worshipers She is one of the four elemental deities worshiped in Faerun but, like all except Kossuth, has a very small following. A better fit might be Valkur, Chaotic Good God of Tempest and War (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide p. 21). A towering spire rising out of the harbor, the Queenspire is the temple to Umberlee. Valkur is your choice for a good-aligned sailor of any sort. Destructive wrathGuided strikeWar god's blessing I had the aasimar of Valkur (forgotten Realms exarch of Tempus) arrive and 'bless' the PC, inducting her into the ranks of the Valkuri (a phrase coined for winged warrior followers of Valkur). 3rd Edition Statistics[6][7][8] D&D 5E The Divine ... 5th edition reduced the number of divine ranks and changed them up a bit. Title(s) Game Thread Valkur's Temple West Marches. RPG Crossing Home: Forums: Create An Account! Istishia, the goddess of elemental water, is a decent but relatively flavorless choice. February 11, 2020. Fighters, rogues, sailors Tymora is a good pick for good-aligned roguish characters in general, and Selune would be an interesting pick for a good-aligned sailor that spends many nights navigating by moonlight. He is usually jolly, always lucky, emphasizes his points by shaking his fist in the air, and has a great belly laugh. This describes my new Prestige Class, the Waverider. Valkur epitomizes the daring sea captain who can sail his ship through anything the Deities of Fury can unleash. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Contents. Valkur(val-kurr) can pilot any sailing craft in any conditions, and he never shies away from a challenge. Valkur’s clerics are also fond of contributing to (if not totally sponsoring) seaborne exploration and long-distance trading expeditions because of the challenges and opportunities they present. 5e His moods are as mercurial as the weather, but he is always incredibly loyal to his crew. Valkyr are curious, nigh-angelic beings whom are direct descendants of the Æsir or the Vanir. Name Alignment Domains Aajill : Neutral Evil Nature Abaddon : True Chaotic Chaos, Unpredictability, Creation Ainz Ooal Gown : Chaotic Neutral Death, War 2e Its lower levels are entirely submerged in the seawater, catering to merfolk and tritons who revere the ocean goddess. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Miscellaneous Valkur (val-kurr) can pilot any sailing craft in any conditions, and he never shies away from a challenge. Clerics of Valkur pray for their spells at around dawn, whenever the first hint of a breeze begins to stir. LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Valkur in 5E? They believed that they survived by Valkur's hand and dedicated their life to serving their new deity and growing the monastic order. D&D Beyond Some drowcount Vulkoor as just one of many spirits worthy of worship in the natural world, and do not hold him in reverence above others. The spell disguises physical appearances as well as clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment [15], Valkur's church celebrated only one holy day known as the Shattering. Most serve as officers on some ship or other. The church of Valkur celebrates only one holy day per year. Alignment Valkur is the patron of sailors both mercantile and naval, as well as the god of favorable winds and storms. I … Alignment However, a decade ago, she seemed to be consumed by the power of Umberlee, and she drove her followers on a mad quest to control the Sea of Swords. Power Level 4. Other clerics run shipyards or administer fleets of merchant ships. The festival is held to mark the end of winter and the beginning of the sailing season in the North and is celebrated even in the South where the winter ice does not block or trouble ocean travel. For the Duration, any creature has disadvantage on Attack Rolls against you. Exarch 5 Essential 5E D&D Paladin Spells for Tier 1 Nerdarchy looks at the spell list for the paladin character class in 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons. Many clerics multiclass as divine champions, fighters, or rogues. Forgotten Realms Cormyr Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. His worship is conducted on the decks of ships, and many of his clerics serve at sea. RPG Crossing Home: Forums: Create An Account! It is a swashbuckling, nautically aimed prestige class meant for clerics of Valkur, the god of seafarers, and sailors in the Forgotten Realms. Red: Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. 1st Edition Statistics[10] Symbol Rely not on Valkur’s hand to always extract you from difficulties, for such is coddling and leads to a lack of challenge and the room to grow. Air, Chaos, Good, Oceans, Protection, Wrath This spell allows you to change the Appearance of any number of creatures that you can see within range. Chaotic Good 2nd Edition Statistics[9] Favored weapon Fighter 24 Wizard 19 Cleric 14 Bard 10 Manifestations[11][12] Valkur(Lesser deity) The Captain's Cutlass (cutlass) Power Level Home; Spells; Blur Source: D&D 5th Edition ↓ Attributes. While appeals to Akadi may change or still the winds, provide good flying currents, or bring rains, she grants no prayers to raise or quell harsh storms, for such lies within the purview of Talos and Umberlee. All donations matched (doubled) until Dec 20! Kord is sometimes depicted by his urbanized faithful as a more civilized athlete or wrestler. While in port, Valkur’s clerics provide care and small amounts of monetary support to sailors down on their luck and to families whose chief breadwinner has been lost at sea. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Power Level Kord is depicted as a hugely muscular man with a red beard and long red hair. Domains Previous Eras. She cares only slightly for her followers, and then only after she is propitiated (bribed) by burning precious incenses that waft to her on the winds. Valkur never holds a grudge, but when angered, his voice cracks like rolling thunder. Brawlhalla Legends Tier List – May 2020. Lesser deity[1] Basic information However, the cleric's favored weapon is changed to the drow scorpion chain. 4e This spell allows you to change the appearance of any number of creatures that you can see within range. There is nothing more invigorating than challenging the elements. Site Rules & Help : RPG Crossing > Games > Dungeons & Dragons: 5e > West Marches [Game Thread] Valkur's Temple ... raised for charity! Alignment 4th Edition Statistics[5] Ysgard/Ysgard Valkur’s philosophy often put him in conflict with the capricious ocean-goddess Umberlee and he was a sworn enemy of the Deities of Fury. * « search Spells list. Few clerics of Valkur serve on pirate ships, but many enjoy serving their homelands as privateers. There is always risk, but without risk life is empty. The church of Valkur is only loosely organized, with clergy members coming together to worship only when serving on the same ship or in port at the same time. Home Plane 1354 DR Valkur never holds a grudge, but when angered, his voice cracks like rolling thunder. The Shattering is always held in early spring, but the exact date varies from year to year. Valkur's philosophy often put him in conflict with the capricious ocean-goddess Umberlee and he was a sworn enemy of the Deities of Fury. Aurora borealis, ghost ship Searches must be at least 3 characters. He was friendly with Selûne who guided sailors across the … ... Browse other questions tagged dnd-5e cleric forgotten-realms religions-and-deities dnd-adventurers-league or ask your own question. He was friendly with Selûne, who guided sailors across the sea. 1 Pantheons table; 2 Dawn War; 3 Forces and philosophies; 4 Humanoids and the gods; The table below details a number of pantheons, including those of established D&D worlds, various non-human racial pantheons, and fantasy adapted historical pantheons. [13], Cloud with three lightning bolts on a shield, Shield showing a thundercloud with three lightning bolts descending from it, Sailors, safety of ships, favorable winds, naval combat. I'm trying to prove he isn't homebrew and isn't dead. Do you have comments or questions about Spilled Ale Studios, our blog, or our products? The Shattering is marked by the unfurling of many new sails throughout the port districts or coastal cities and the christening of at least one new ship that then departs for its maiden voyage crewed by Valkur’s clergy. spilledalestudios Tabletop RPG blogger and bestselling 3rd-Party Publisher, currently designing for D&D 5e. You give each target you choose a new, illusory Appearance. Hello fellow reader. The DM can adopt one of these pantheons for their campaign, or pick … Avatar Favored animals If humankind is to expand its reach, daring men and women must defy the odds and dare the impossible. Valkur (pronounced: /vɑːlˈkʌr/ val-KURR[13]), the Captain of the Waves, was an exarch of Tempus,[14] patron of sailors,[5] ships, favorable winds, and naval combat., Cloud with three lightning bolts on a shield, Sailors, ships, favorable winds, naval combat. Cloud with three lightning bolts on a shield[2] Valkur is the sworn foe of the Deities of Fury and looks to Selune to guide him across the oceans and seas of Faerun. Sailors 1e Green: Good options. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oubliés (French), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (Cyclopedia of the Realms), Neverwinter Nights: Pirates of the Sword Coast, Symbol He cares only slightly for his followers and is almost predictable in his incomprehensible and alien unpredictability. 1.8.1 Racial Traits; 1.9 Vital Statistics; Valkyr Personality . 3e Dungeons and Dragons (5th Edition) Class Tier List – 2020. So we can conclude that at least the worship of Shaundakul is alive and kicking in the 5e era. All donations matched (doubled) until Dec 20! He appears as a giant sailor who wades through the ocean, which only reaches up to his knees. Jump to: navigation, search. Alignment Dominion Shield showing a thundercloud with three lightning bolts descending from it The feel of wind and spray on one’s face and the deck pitching beneath one’s feet is the greatest feeling in the world. The exact date of the festival varied but it was always celebrated in the spring. Favored colors Contents. That's a major power boost to these beings and explains how their powerful enough now to have their own Chosen. Demipower I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. 5e: Avatars of the Gods — Valkur, God of Sailors a... 5e: Oblate Orders — The Order of the Prognosticato... March (7) About Spilled Ale Studios. Church of Selûne Selûne (pronounced: /s ɛˈl uː n ɛ/ seh-LOON-eh or: /s ɛˈl uː n eɪ/ seh-LOON-ay), also known as Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden, and the Night White Lady, was the goddess of the moon in the Faerûnian pantheon.In the 14 th and 15 th centuries DR, she held the portfolios of the moon, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, seekers, and non-evil lycanthropes. Power Level Yondalla (pronounced: /j ɒnˈd ɑː l ɑː/ yon-DAH-lah) was the creator of the halfling race and matriarch of not only the halfling pantheon, but the whole race itself.With her charming personality and friendly demeanor she was an example to all halflings; who almost … 1. Valkyr (3.5e Race) From D&D Wiki. This view is supported by the fact that his clerics may choose from the same domains as a cleric of the Mockery. Valkur's philosophy puts him in conflict with the capricious ocean-goddess Umberlee. Symbol of Valkur. Beshaba is an interesting pick for a rogue-ish, swashbuckling pirate. Many clerics served as captains or sailors aboard ships and they usually met each other only if they happened to serve on the same ship or be in the same port. He is usually jolly, always lucky, emphasizes his points by shaking his fist in the air, and has a great belly laugh. 1 Valkyr. His moods are as mercurial as the weather, but he is always incredibly loyal to his crew. An unwilling target can make a Charisma saving throw, and if it succeeds, it is unaffected by this spell. Site Rules & Help : RPG Crossing > Games > Dungeons & Dragons: 5e > West Marches [OOC] Valkur's Temple ... raised for charity! One’s loyalties are first to one’s mates, then to one’s ship, and then to Valkur, who protects all sailors. Good lesser deity of sailors shies away from a challenge whims of Umberlee and the destruction of Talos 20... The number of creatures that you can see within range guide him across the sea 's hand and their! 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