Unerring Accuracy: A reroll once per turn that doesn’t cost a Ki point. The radiant damage this ability deals is resisted by fewer things than if it were fire damage. Later levels enhance your weapon to do additional damage and be magical. Make sure to max out your Dexterity first, so your attacks and AC are maximized, then switch to Wisdom to get your save DC up and complete your AC bonus. Eternal Mountain Defense: Resistance to damage with a long duration, and you eschew the material component making it more economic to cast. Blue: Fantastic options, often essential to the function of your character. Play-style: Martial arts are great and all, but combat would be much better if you could throw a weapon into the mix. Short rest reliance. Diamond Soul: Proficiency in all saves makes you more resistant to magical assault. Ki-Fueled Attack. Path of the Kensei. It’s a flashy combat style that is the polar opposite of the Way of Shadow and Way of the Open Hand. Ability Selection. Turn your nat 1’s into opportunities. With practice and discipline you harness this internal blaze, manifesting it to make your strikes scorch flesh, your blows singeing foes. monasteries practice one tradition exclusively, but a few honor the many traditions and instruct each monk according to his or her aptitude and interest. Learn how your comment data is processed. This Monastic Tradition is the classic Monk. Their last ability gained is to make attacks as a reaction when allies are targeted next to you. Most . Sky Blue:Optimal choice, core on all builds minus a fringe build or two. Intelligence: Monks don’t typically have skills that rely on Intelligence. It gives you defensive power with the Agile Parry ability, damage boosting abilities with Kensei Shot, and magic weapons once you reach 6th level. Grappler: If you’re focusing on strength (which Monks typically don’t) this could be quite useful. Shape of the Flowing River: It only functions on water, so this will rarely come in handy compared to the other options. This one comes in as a request from one of my patrons. This ensures you have a fair chance against any effect that seeks to harm you. Drunkard’s Luck: Disadvantage on a saving throw is rare, but when it happens it almost certainly spells doom. KenkuVGtM: Awesome ability increases and skill proficiencies. A student of philosophy and psychology, he always wants to dig deeper into the meaning and motivation of story and the story teller. All this training and meditation is just a means to an end. Maxing it should be high on your list.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'gameoutonline_com-box-4','ezslot_1',126,'0','0'])); Charisma: None of your skills rely on Charisma. Monks are masters of control. Sun Shield: An interesting lighting option with built in deterrent for would-be attackers. (Chaotic) 6: Meditation. All traditions rely on the same basic techniques, diverging Later levels gain ability to heal, cast a spell-like effect to prevent enemies from targeting you with attacks, and eventually gain an attack whic… He resides in suburban New Jersey where he has both run and played in Dungeons and Dragons games weekly for over 15 years. Theme: Focused on nothing else but death, demise, and passing, these monks walk the path of life with the end always in their focus. Deflect Missiles. Hit Dice: Monks have d8 hit dice, which makes it hard for them to function as a front-line fighter without support. Evasion: With Dexterity as one of your main stats, you’re going to take little to no damage from effects that require Dexterity saves. While not as powerful as a rogue when attacking from a concealed location, you are better at infiltration and extraction rather than assassination. He has published several supplements for the game, available through online retailers. Timeless Body: Age almost never matters in game. Empty Body: 19th +6: 1d10: 19 +30 ft. Ability … Three traditions of monastic pursuit are common in the monasteries scattered across the multiverse. Open Hand Technique: Extra options for using our Ki in addition to your Flurry of Blows ability. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gameoutonline_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',127,'0','0']));Fallen: Nothing for Monks. Monks’ abilities are based on their use of Ki. The 8-hour duration means you can have it going all day. Game Mechanics: Able to cast spell-like abilities similar to darkness, pass without a trace, silence, and minor illusion. Two New Monastic Traditions from Xanathar’s Lost Notes I stinkin’ love the new Monk Traditions offered up in Xanathar’s Notes . Magic Initiate: You don’t want to waste your action on a spell when you would forfeit your many attacks. River of Hungry Flame: Wall of Fire is a great battlefield control spell for when you want to separate enemies and give them a hard choice for if they want to cross your barrier.