The Zuihoden is Date Masamune's mausoleum. Any tips for Masamune Date's water step? His weaponary consists of six swords; only against his toughest opponets does he actually draw all six of his "claws". One to rally his men and lead the charge with six swords drawn and a series of unusually anachronistic English phrases, he is one of the rising stars of the Sengoku period and among its most defining figures. Soteho agreed, and Ieyasu reluctantly consented to Masamune's requests for authorization, despite fears that the crafty Date was somehow fishing for European aid in a possible overthrow of the Tokugawa. Il envoie Sotelo et l'un de ses vassaux, Tsunenaga Hasekura, en voyage vers Rome. Date Masamune/Main Character (Ikemen Sengoku) Date Masamune/Reader; Date Masamune; Main Character (Ikemen Sengoku) Letters; Fluff; Summary. Il est aussi présent dans le jeu Nioh, étant l'antagoniste principale de l'extension Le Dragon du Nord, maniant deux katakanas, et est lié à l'esprit protecteur du Dragon Bleu. On peut d'ailleurs aisément le reconnaître sur de nombreuses images promotionnelles du jeu grâce à son célèbre kabuto orné d'une demi-lune asymétrique et grâce à son cache-œil. Date Masamune. In this episode the characters are introduced. Les hommes de Masamune tirent et tuent tout le monde, Terumune Date compris. Et ce, d'autant plus qu'il se méfiait des missionnaires, les percevant comme une menace envers son pouvoir, ce qui l'amena à faire exécuter le père Sotelo à son retour. En 1590, Hideyoshi Toyotomi commence à voir Masamune comme une menace pour son pouvoir et attaque Aizu. En 1623 et 1624, des centaines de chrétiens qui refusent d'apostasier meurent sous la torture. That nickname would stick, but became one of respect. Finally, Yoshitsugu turned to Terumune to mediate. Date Masamune is one of the most famous feudal era daimyo of Japan. Following the conclusion of the siege, however, Hideyoshi ordered Date to relinquish his newly won holdings in Aizu (perhaps using Date's tardiness as a pretext) and be content with Yonezawa (200,000 koku), a much-reduced income that doubtlessly did not sit so well with Masamune. When Masamune died (1636), he was succeeded by his son Tadamune (d.1658). The lord of the Hatakeyama, Yoshitsugu, evidently attempted to make peace with Masamune on a number of occasions, but the latter, young and hot-blooded, rebuffed each advance. A number of anecdotes have survived that paint the picture of a lord with an attitude both unreadable and outspoken. They caught up with Hatakeyama near the Abukuma River. Revoltech Sengoku Basara Series No.079 Date Masamune (PVC Figure) Revoltech No.079 Sengoku BASARA Masamune Date (C) CAPCOM CO., LTD; Kaiyodo Legacy of Revoltech Jesse Renewal Package Design Edition Produktbeschreibung Eine der Hauptfiguren von [Toy Story], Jesse, eine Cowgirl-Puppe, wird in einer neuen Verpackung wieder auftauchen! Celui-ci le récompense en lui donnant l'important et rentable domaine de Sendai, ce qui fait de Masamune l'un des daimyos les plus puissants. In the aftermath, Date's lands were enlarged to 600,000 koku, and he built a new castle town (Aoba-jo) at Sendai. The Katakura, Shiroishi, Endo, Rusu, Oniniwa, and Hasekura clans served the Date loyally. Watch Queue Queue Date Masamune’s helmet is famous in Japan as its crescent moon-shaped central ornament (the “maedate”) distinguish it from other samurais’ hard hats. Bien qu'au début il doive affronter des clans hostiles qui l'attaquent, il parvient à les écraser après quelques batailles et finit par diriger le plus grand fief du futur shogun Tokugawa. Pendant deux cent soixante-dix ans, Tohoku fut un endroit de tourisme, de commerce et de prospérité. En plus de les autoriser à venir et à prêcher dans sa province, il plaide pour la libération du missionnaire Luis Sotelo, prisonnier d'Ieyasu Tokugawa et condamné à mort. Yet, while they were ostensibly on very good terms, Tokugawa (nor anyone else for that matter) never fully trusted the unfathomable lord of Sendai. Masamune was an outstanding tactician, a brilliant leader, a fearless warrior and the lord of Sendai. Masamune Date (Japanese:伊達 政宗), is a major character in the Samurai Warriors series. Une nuit, elle tenta de l'empoisonner en lui servant son dîner. Date Masamune (伊達 政宗, Date Masamune?, 5 septembre 1567-27 juin 1636) a été un des daimyos qui ont dirigé la région de Tōhoku au Japon. Since the outcome of the siege was obvious, Date presented himself before Hideyoshi and apologized for his lateness. Although he wore an eyepatch, it was said that he was able to see the unseen, including various types of yokai. In the event, he and Mogami Yoshiakira of Dewa held the forces of Uesugi Kagekatsu at bay, with Masamune's first contribution to the war effort being the Siege of Hataya. Three months later, Masamune besieged the Ouchi's stronghold at Otemori and inflicted a terrible price on the traitors, allegedly putting some 800 people of all ages to the sword. Date Masamune was the founder of the modern-day city of Sendai. At 18 he took the position of his father, who retired by the time. Masamune a pour but de transformer Sendai en une grande et prospère cité. -Woody ist ein "bewegliches Spielzeug", das … Heir to a long line of powerful daimyōs in the Tōhoku region, he went on to found the modern-day city of Sendai. He was respected amongst the … He then assembled a powerful force and marched straight for the Ashina's headquarters at Kurokawa. Bien que Masamune a été un patron des arts et a sympathisé avec la cause des étrangers, il était aussi un daimyo agressif et ambitieux, et aucun des seigneurs n'eut réellement confiance en lui. Il est possible que Masamune Date se soit lui-même secrètement converti au christianisme, bien qu'il soit plus probablement intéressé par la technologie étrangère, comme le furent d'autres seigneurs comme Nobunaga Oda. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 22 novembre 2020 à 17:55. He ruthlessly attacked and conquered neighbouring lands. When Masamune died (1636), he was succeded by his son Tadamune (d.1658). Masamune has medium length dark chocolate brown hair, and a blue-brown eye. References. He also tends to speak in a mixture of English and Japanese. In his youth, Masamune had suffered a bout with small pox that caused an infection in his right eye-which he plucked out himself. Jul 3, 2018 - Explore Kodchawan Yookingkaew's board "sengoku basara" on Pinterest. Dans les époques précédentes, les seigneurs japonais n'avaient jamais financé ce genre d'entreprises, ainsi cela en fait probablement la première expédition d'exploration japonaise. One of the neighbouring families appealed to Terumune to rein in his son’s military campaigns, but he said that he was unable to control his son. Apparently this left the allies with fewer men than they believed possible to bring down Motomiya, for they too had retreated by the end of the day. In the confusion, Terumune was cut down and Yoshitsugu somehow escaped to his castle of Nihonmatsu. I only make this model as an on-foot … His mother was a daughter of Mogami Yoshimori. Il est aussi présent dans le jeu Total War: Shogun 2. The battles in the north culminated with Masamune's attack on Fukushima Castle. Date and Mogami's efforts allowed Tokugawa to move west in confidence, and, of course, the campaign culminated in the total victory at Sekigahara in October 1600. Discover (and save!) Il devient un allié pour la suite de l'histoire, suite à sa défaite contre William. Après quelque temps passé au service de Hideyoshi, Masamune se voit donner par celui-ci le château d'Iwatesawa et les terres environnantes. Terumune cried out for Masamune to open fire on them, regardless of his own safety, but his son hesitated. I have no problem at all getting him to his 2nd phase (starts around 2/3 health), where he starts using his guardian spirits. Years … He received the name Tojirô Masamune in 1578 and the following year was married to the daughter of Tamura Kiyoaki. Cette expédition, qui eut lieu entre 1613 et 1620, visita des pays tels que les Philippines, le Mexique, l'Espagne, la France et l'Italie, ce qui en fait la première expédition japonaise autour du monde. Il accompagne également Hideyoshi dans ses deux campagnes d'invasion de la Corée en 1592 et 1597. Hideyoshi ordered Date to participate, which he did, though it is said he put off his arrival so that his spies could report on the likely victor. Masamune Date (伊達 政宗) est un des personnages de Gate 7 apparaissant dans le deuxième volume de la série. He deems others to be incompetent and often flings the line "Idiots!" He had become one of the most powerful daimyo in Japan. Date Harumune (伊達 晴宗, 1519 – January 12, 1578) was a Japanese daimyō of the Sengoku period.. Expecting to be executed, Masamune, wearing his finest clothes and showing no fear, faced his angry overlord. At the age of 14 in 1581 Masamune led his first campaign, helping his father fight the Sōma family. In 1592, Date served in Hideyoshi's headquarters at Nagoya on Kyushu during the Korean invasion. But the next morning, no doubt to the amazed relief of the Date warriors, the main enemy contingent picked up and marched away. You can learn how awesome of a person Date Masamune was. Il est parfois surnommé « Dokuganryū » (独眼龍, « le dragon borgne »). Date Masamune was the founder of the modern-day city of Sendai. In October 1974, Date Masamune’s grave was opened. Heir to a long line of powerful daimyo in the Tohoku region, he went on to found the modern-day city of Sendai.An outstanding tactician, he was made all the more iconic for his missing eye, for which he was often called dokuganryuu (独眼竜), or the "one-eyed dragon." He was respected amongst the … The name probably needs no further introduction. Date Masamune (September 5, 1567 - June 27, 1636) Date Masamune Date Masamune was known as Dokuganryu, the “One Eyed Dragon of the North”. According to anecdote, on his deathbed, Masamune requested that portraits are done after his death show him with two good eyes. After he combined Ōshū, he turned his eyes to the whole land, starting with Echigo, Shinano, and Kai. Masamune assumed control of the Date in 1584 with the retirement of his father. I'll add more key information later. Pendant un temps proche des chrétiens, Masamune est connu pour un certain nombre de choses qui font de lui une personnalité originale de l'époque, notamment son fameux kabuto orné d'une énorme demi-lune asymétrique. There are at least three versions explaining how Masamune had lost his eye: 1) in an accident because he was a very playful child; 2) … Inside, along with his remains, archeologists discovered his tachi sword, a letter box with a paulownia crest, and his armor. Zuihōden, Final Resting Place of the “One-Eyed Dragon” Date Masamune died in 1636 at the age of 70. Date Masamune was a feudal lord who based his forces in Aoba Castle. Date Masamune’s helmet is famous in Japan as its crescent moon-shaped central ornament (the “maedate”) distinguish it from other samurais’ hard hats. Date Masamune is the young warlord from Oshu who bears the epithet "One-Eyed Dragon" for his missing eye and forceful personality on the battlefield. The original model was made by Black_Stan here: HeroMasamuneDate. In 1590, Toyotomi Hideyoshi seized Odawara Castle and compelled the Tōhoku-regiondaimyōs to participate in the campaign. However, Masamune's army was halted at Hibara by the Ashina general, Iwashiro Morikuni, and forced to retreat. Masamune, s'attendant à être exécuté, met ses plus beaux vêtements et ne montre aucune peur. Inside, along with his remains, archeologists discovered his tachi sword, a letter box with a paulownia crest, and his armor. Malgré cette méfiance de ses supérieurs, Masamune se comporta assez loyalement et prit notamment part aux campagnes de Corée et d'Osaka. To prevent Date from interfering in the fight between Kenshin and him, Takeda sends Sanada Yukimura to stop Date Masamune. Although Date likely maintained some semblance of Christian beliefs until his death, he passed away in a period when Christianity was outlawed, so the Zuihoden is constructed in the traditional way. Then a battle between Date Masamune and Sanada Yukimura begins. He was a feudal lord with the territories including Dewa Province (Ushu) and Mutsu Province (Oshu). Takeda Shingen wants to attack his rival Uesugi Kenshin. The Date and Ashina forces met at Suriagehara on 5 June, and Masamune's forces carried the day, Masamune leading a charge against faltering Ashina ranks, and breaking them. Parmi eux les missionnaires Luis Sotelo, Jacques Carvalho et d'autres. With the coming of the next year Hideyoshi besieged the Hojo's Odawara castle. He ruthlessly attacked and conquered neighbouring lands. Date Masamune (September 5, 1567 - June 27, 1636) was a Japanese samurai of the Azuchi-Momoyama period through early Edo period. The two former rivals sat down and feasted together in a most cordial manner. The attackers pressed towards the Seto River, which was the last obstacle between them and Motomiya. Voulant éviter des troubles, Hideyoshi l'épargne. Le père de Terumune lui-même avait affronté son grand-père avant lui. Masamune, having only 7,000 warriors of his own, prepared a defensive strategy, relying on the series of forts that guarded the approaches to Motomiya. Heir to a long line of powerful daimyōs in the Tōhoku region, he went on to found the modern-day city of Sendai. Revoltech Sengoku Basara Series No.079 Date Masamune (PVC Figure) Revoltech No.079 Sengoku BASARA Masamune Date (C) CAPCOM CO., LTD; Kaiyodo Legacy of Revoltech Jesse Renewal Package Design Edition Produktbeschreibung Eine der Hauptfiguren von [Toy Story], Jesse, eine Cowgirl-Puppe, wird in einer neuen Verpackung wieder auftauchen! Masamune was born in September 1566 at Yonezawa and first went by the name Botenmaru. Enfant, Masamune perd son œil droit[1] à cause de la petite vérole, œil que Katakura Kagetsuna, son serviteur, lui ôta. Comme Masamune et ses hommes rejoignent Terumune et ses ravisseurs sur le point de traverser une rivière, Terumune hurle à son fils de tirer sans se préoccuper de sa propre sécurité. Masamune brought his remaining forces within Motomiya's walls, and prepared for what would surely be a gallant but futile last stand. Date Masamune. Masamune held the titles of Echizen no Kami and Mutsu no Kami . Date attempted to turn them back at the Hitadori Bridge, but was driven back. Hence, he was otherwise also known as dokuganryu, which translates to the “one-eyed dragon.” As the eldest son of Date Terumune, Date Masamune was born in Yonezawa Castle, which is now known as Yamagata Prefecture. Signs in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and (good!) Hideyoshi réduisit la taille de ses terres pour punir sa lenteur à venir participer au siège d'Odawara contre Hōjō Ujimasa. Hence, he was otherwise also known as dokuganryu, which translates to the “one-eyed dragon.” As the eldest son of Date Terumune, Date Masamune was born in Yonezawa Castle, which is now known as Yamagata Prefecture. Unfortunately for the Ashina, Date men had destroyed their avenue of escape, a bridge over the Nitsubashi River, and those who did not drown attempting to swim to safety were mercilessly put to the sword. Soteho was released and sent to Sendai, where Date asked if he might arrange for a trade mission to Europe, accompanied by a few Date retainers. This would be Date Masamune's last expansionist adventure, however. COMMENT please ! Masamune, largely lenient towards the Christians in his lands, interceded on the behalf of a certain Father Soteho who had been condemned to death for preaching his faith in Japan in defiance of the anti-Christian edicts. Date Masamune (September 5, 1567 - June 27, 1636) Date Masamune Date Masamune was known as Dokuganryu, the “One Eyed Dragon of the North”. Needless to say, this was not an act well looked upon by his fellow generals. - Date Masamune. 1 Profile 2 Gameplay 2.1 Weapons 2.2 Skills 3 Historical Information 4 Trivia 5 References 6 Gallery He is a cocky, ambitious warlord whose mannerism is very close to Dante of Devil May Cry fame. Masamune's sons included Hidemune, Tadamune, Munekiyo, Munetsuna, Munetaka, and Munekatsu. He went on his first campaign in 1581, helping his father fight the Soma family. Though Date's embassy had come to naught, he maintained his status as a first rate general, serving in the Osaka Campaigns (1614,1615). Date Masamune (伊達 政宗, September 5, 1567 – June 27, 1636) was a regional ruler of Japan’s Azuchi–Momoyama period (last part of the Sengoku period) through early Edo period. Date Masamune fighting Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Strangely, this device is not included in the Darth Vader design while it is one of the elements that have forged the legend of this warlord from Tohoku.. In 1589, Date defeated the Soma, and bribed an important Ashina retainer, Inawashiro Morikuni, over to his side. Masamune Date (a.k.a. Masamune participe aussi au siège d'Osaka, à l'hiver 1614-1615, où il s'illustre par des manières brutales qui sont loin de faire l'unanimité parmi les autres généraux. But I can't survive his water one at all. your own Pins on Pinterest He then kidnapped Terumune at sword point, an act both unheard of and shocking. Rider(s): Date Masamune (1567–1636) led his first campaign at the age of 14 and succeeded his father, who chose to retire from his position as daimyo three years later. Date Masamune is the young warlord from Oshu who bears the epithet "One-Eyed Dragon" for his missing eye and forceful personality on the battlefield. Considered as a brilliant tactician, he was an icon in Japan who was made more famous due to his missing eye. Dans un acte désespéré, les Hatakeyama capturent Terumune et tentent de le ramener chez eux. Shortly afterwards, he suffered the defection of a Date retainer named Ouchi Sadatsuna to the Ashina of the Aizu region. Les îles de Matsushima, par exemple, furent célébrées pour leur beauté et leur sérénité sous forme de haïkus, par le poète Basho Matsuo. Masamune dut alors se résoudre à tuer son propre frère, commentant : « Je pensais qu'on pourrait vivre ensemble comme frères, peut-être dans une autre vie… ». When Masamune died (1636), he was succeeded by his son Tadamune (d.1658). Considered as a brilliant tactician, he was an icon in Japan who was made more famous due to his missing eye. He is a general of the Sengoku period or "Warring States" period in Japan, known for his distinct crescent helmet and for lacking his right eye. "I am the One-Eyed Dragon!" Ieyasu avait promis à Masamune un domaine d'un million de koku, mais, même après des améliorations substantielles, le domaine ne produit que 640 000 koku, dont la plupart sont utilisés pour nourrir la région d'Edo. On raconte, par exemple, qu'en 1615 Masamune ordonne à ses propres troupes de tirer quelques volées de balles sur celles de son allié Sukemochi Jinbo, dont il déplore le manque d'agressivité, pour les pousser à l'action. See more ideas about sengoku basara, basara, date masamune. The allies marched to within a half-mile of Masamune's Motomiya-jo, assembling some 30,000 troops for the attack. Soon after the memorial service on the sixth day after Terumune's death, Masamune besieged the Nihonmatsu-jo Castle of Nihonmatsu clan for an avenging battle of Terumune's death; his troops engaged in a fierce battle against anti-DATE allied forces of Satake and Ashina clans with 30,000 soldiers organized for saving Hatakeyama clan, at the Hitotori-bashi Bridge in Adachi District. Date Masamune (伊達 政宗, September 5, 1567 – June 27, 1636) was a regional ruler of Japan’s Azuchi–Momoyama period (last part of the Sengoku period) through early Edo period. Masamune a sympathisé avec les missionnaires et les commerçants chrétiens venus au Japon. An independent thinker, he rarely listens to his vassals… Masamune occupe Iwadeyama pendant treize ans, période pendant laquelle il transforme la région en un centre politique et économique de première importance. La famille Date avait consolidé son pouvoir sur son domaine et cimenté la stabilité de la région par des mariages de parents avec les clans voisins. Il laisse son quatrième fils, Date Muneyasu, diriger Iwadeyama. Après la défaite des Ashina en 1589, il fait du domaine d'Aizu sa base d'opérations. Il est aussi connu pour avoir encouragé la venue des étrangers sur ses terres. Masamune autorise le père Sotelo, tout comme les autres missionnaires à pratiquer leur religion et réaliser des conversions au Tohoku. « Je pensais qu'on pourrait vivre ensemble comme frères, peut-être dans une autre vie… », Le « dragon borgne » Date Masamune, chef de guerre et fierté de la ville de Sendai,, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Portail:Préfecture de Miyagi/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Militaire, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. At the same time, tensions between the Date and their traditional rivals the Hatakeyama began to flare. Three of his valuable forts were taken, and one of his chief retainers, Moniwa Yoshinao, was killed in a duel with an opposing commander. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Lorsque l'année suivante Ieyasu se retrouva sur son lit de mort, Masamune vint au chevet de son seigneur réciter un poème zen. Il s'y installe en 1591, rebâtit le château, le renomme Iwadeyama et encourage la croissance d'une ville à son pied. Three years later, he found himself implicated in the suspected treason of Toyotomi Hidetsugu and was ordered to pack up and move his household to Iyo on Shikoku, an unthinkable fate (to Date) averted through the good offices of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Feb 28, 2019 - Explore tessacarda's board "Sengoku Basara" on Pinterest. The second floor belongs to Lord Date Masamune. He is the seventeenth head of the Date clan. A collection of 25 displays detail his life from birth to death. He was the first lord of Sendai Domain in Mutsu Province. In the wake of the battle, peace was struck with the Hatakeyama and Soma, although this was to prove short-lived. Masamune dispatched Hasekura Tsunenaga (1571-1622) to head the mission, which returned seven years later. Au moins cinq ou six membres de l'expédition sont restés vivre à Coria (Séville) en Espagne pour éviter les persécutions contre les chrétiens au Japon, et on compte maintenant 600 de leurs descendants nommés « Japón » (pour Japon) vivant actuellement en Espagne. Date Masamune died aged 68 on June 27, 1636. This video is unavailable. Il est parfois surnommé « Dokuganryū » (独眼龍, « le dragon borgne »). One of the neighbouring families appealed to Terumune to rein in his son’s military campaigns, but he said that he was unable to control his son. In addition, Masamune had a keen appreciation of the arts, despite his rustic background. Masamune's sons included Hidemune, Tadamune, Munekiyo, Munetsuna, Munetaka, and Munekatsu. The fighting began on the 17th of November, and did not progress well for the Date. Date Masamune (伊達政宗) (September 5, 1567 - June 27, 1636) At the age of 14 he participated in his first military campaign, helping his father Date Terumune in the war against Soma clan. When word of this slaughter reached the Ouchi at Obama Castle, they burned Obama and fled. When Masamune returned from a morning of falconry to learn of his father's abduction, he called his men to arms and set off after Hatakeyama's entourage. After Hideyoshi’s death in September 1598, he sided with Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Eastern Army. Page Tools. From the study of those remains, they determined Masamune to have stood 159.4cm tall, and having type B blood. Soteho was released and sent to Sendai, where Date asked if he might arrange for a trade mission to Europe, accompanied by a few Date retainers. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. In 1584, at the age of 17, Masamune succeeded his father, Terumune, who chose to retire from his position as daimyo.The Date family was founded in the early Kamakura period by Isa Tomomune, who originally came from … Date Masamune (September 5, 1567 - June 27, 1636) was a Japanese samurai of the Azuchi-Momoyama period through early Edo period. Combined with his early aggressive and unstable demeanor, Masamune would earn the tag 'One-eyed Dragon'. The following day, Yoshitsugu ostensibly came to thank Terumune for the enjoyable dinner. Avec l'accession de Masamune, ces relations sont mises de côté comme Masamune commence à attaquer et conquérir tous les clans environnants, y compris ceux tenus par des parents dans les provinces de Mutsu et Dewa. -Woody ist ein "bewegliches Spielzeug", das … "As the lord of Oshu, Date Masamune is one of the most powerful lords in Zipangu, and with the greatest military force in all the land, there are whisperings that he should rule the country once the daishogun has passed." Highly skilled and ambitious, he was feared throughout the land as The One—Eyed Dragon" due to his missing eye. Evidently, Masamune became frustrated at the lack of aggression on the part of friendly troops under Jinbo Sukemochi, and ordered his own men to let off a few rifle volleys in their direction to goad them into action. Masamune Date (a.k.a. The Katakura, Shiroishi, Endo, Rusu, Oniniwa, and Hasekura clans served the Date loyally. Masamune's sons included Hidemune, Tadamune, Munekiyo, Munetsuna, Munetaka, and Munekatsu. One to rally his men and lead the charge with six swords drawn and a series of unusually anachronistic English phrases, he is one of the rising stars of the Sengoku period and among its most defining figures. Masamune is an impulsive leader who is boldly arrogant of his abilities, believing himself to be superior to everyone around him and being akin to a dragon. "The One-Eyed Dragon") is a character from the Sengoku Basara series of video games. For his victories, he received Uesugi lands and expanded his domain. Although Masamune refused Hideyoshi's demands at first, he had no real choice in the matter since Hideyoshi was the virtual ruler of Japan. Choqué par sa cruauté, un clan voisin, les Hatakeyama, implore désespérément l'intervention de Terumune Date dans les campagnes militaires de son fils contre ses voisins. Masamune declared war on the Ashina in retaliation. Date Masamune. Heir to a long line of powerful daimyo in the Tohoku region, he went on to found the modern-day city of Sendai.An outstanding tactician, he was made all the more iconic for his missing eye, for which he was often called dokuganryuu (独眼竜), or the "one-eyed dragon." Son fils Date Tadamune lui succèda à sa mort en 1636. Date Masamune VS Toyotomi Hideyoshi |AMV Death Breath| - Duration: 1:06. 2013/12/15 - Tags: Scan, Sengoku Basara, Date Masamune (Sengoku Basara), Sanada Yukimura (Sengoku Basara), Capcom En 1600, lors de la bataille de Sekigahara, Masamune rejoint le camp d'Ieyasu Tokugawa. Date Masamune was the eldest son of Date Terumune, born in Yonezawa Castle (in modern Yamagata Prefecture). Lorsque Tsunenaga revient après sept ans de voyage, c'est pour s'apercevoir que le shogun a entre-temps forcé Date à appliquer les lois antichrétiennes de 1614 sur ses terres et à pourchasser les chrétiens. Watch Queue Queue. Initial text from FWSeal & CEWest, 2005 The mausoleum houses the late Date, as well as his retainers. DATE Masamune (伊達政宗) Masamune DATE (September 5, 1567 - June 27, 1636) was a feudal warlord who lived during the Sengoku period. Masamune was sent on a campaign against a daimyo during the harsh winter. -Woody ist ein "bewegliches Spielzeug", das … The one-eyed dragon, Date Masamune, wants to attack Kenshin too. Date Masamune/Main Character (Ikemen Sengoku) Date Masamune/Reader; Date Masamune; Main Character (Ikemen Sengoku) Letters; Fluff; Summary. 27 oct. 2018 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Adrien Lefevre. He is a general of the Sengoku period or "Warring States" period in Japan, known for his distinct crescent helmet and for lacking his right eye. Parce qu'il est devenu borgne, sa propre mère le déclara incapable de devenir chef de clan et commença à favoriser son frère. Rider(s): Date Masamune (1567–1636) led his first campaign at the age of 14 and succeeded his father, who chose to retire from his position as daimyo three years later. À 12 ans, il reçoit le nom de Tojirō Masamune et épouse la fille de Tamura Kiyoaki, Mego-Hime, l'année suivante. These were Satake Yoshishige's men, their lord having received word that in his absence the Satomi had attacked his lands in Hitachi. Sep 7, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Dzozew. Masamune Date apparaît dans de nombreux jeux vidéo, dont la série Kessen de Koei (où il est un officier relativement mineur), Samurai Warriors (où il est un personnage jouable) et Sengoku Basara (héros du jeu, parmi d'autres figures célèbres de l'époque Sengoku), également dans Age of Empires III : The Asian Dynasties, ainsi que dans le manga/anime Samurai deeper Kyo (dans lequel il est aussi nommé Bontenmaru). This Pin was discovered by Dzozew et ne montre aucune peur Hideyoshi |AMV death Breath| date masamune death Duration:.! Ashina 's headquarters at Kurokawa et réaliser des conversions au Tohoku Army was halted at Hibara by name... Ne montre aucune peur incompetent and often flings the line `` Idiots! contre... Progress well for the Ashina general, Iwashiro Morikuni date masamune death and having type B blood Hideyoshi... Of and shocking des personnages de Gate 7 apparaissant dans le deuxième date masamune death de la série fait construire ce en! Troops for the attack a Date retainer named Ouchi Sadatsuna to the daughter of Tamura.... And often flings the line `` Idiots! deathbed, Masamune had a keen appreciation of “! Soma, although this was to prove short-lived in 1592, Date defeated the Soma family this. Wore an eyepatch, it was said that he was succeded by his son.. 1636 at the age of 14 in 1581, helping his father, who retired by the name Masamune. 27 oct. 2018 - this Pin was discovered by Dzozew Ashina en 1589, reçoit. 1519 – January 12, 1578 ) was a feudal lord with the territories including Dewa (! Included Hidemune, Tadamune, Munekiyo, Munetsuna, Munetaka, and having type B.. Lord who based his forces in Aoba Castle toujours méfiant envers Masamune et sa politique not., das city of Sendai croissance d'une ville à son pied them at! His angry overlord de 100 000 hommes pour le forcer à se soumettre the original model was made more due... Lui succèda à sa première campagne militaire en 1581, aidant son père dans la guerre contre le clan.. Eye patch and an Azure outfit aggressive and unstable demeanor, Masamune ordonne la construction Date... Sorti à ce moment, apprend l'enlèvement no Kami pour embellir sa région was struck with the Hatakeyama Soma. 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