The side quests and their walkthroughs can be found in separate chapters. User account menu. Luckily, the quest can be done fairly quickly once you know where to look. But where does one find those fallen trees, and how does one get the woodchips from them? I missed a few sub quests and I want to do the story again is there another way other than making a new game? List of All side quests in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: Dragon Ball Z Kakarot woodchips are an item that you need to gather to complete the Guardian Caretaker sub quest. Close. So when you proceed to the next part (the game gives you a warning message to continue the story) that quest is forever cut off until the time machine whenever is available. 1. You can find them, as the game tells you, next to fallen trees. You need to do the side missions in the same chapter they appeared. Posted by 21 days ago. I missed the Bulma one during Intermission 1, and so 3 subquests are now forever unavailable due to a glitch in the game, rather than personal fault. DBZ Kakarot has many side missions. For those unaware, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot fans have been requesting a way to replay stories and catch timed sub-stories they may have missed since … 1. For the time being, we were able to find 25 endgame side quests from Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. You will meet familiar characters from the Dragon Ball universe and get references to the cult anime. Good Ol Goku (Adventures) Go to the Sacred Land of Korin and talk to Bora and Upa. It just disapeared after loading again and i had to use a save almost an hour earlier.All quests are likely to return in post game if missed. DBZ: Kakarot is one of the more faithful adaptations we’ve ever received of Toriyama’s shonen classic. I missed a few sub quests and I want to do the story again is there another way other than making a new game? Question. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot missable missions are easy to skip, as the game moves at such a fast pace. This chapter has a list of side missions available in the game. In this section, we will share the details about the process of getting and completing endgame substories. It isn't helped with glitches that stop the quest givers appearing, so no blue mark to show that there is one. Little spoiler saiyan saga: I missed the Chiaotzu sidequest by saving after the Tien fight with picolo. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Endgame Side Quests/Substories. You’ll also have access to a time machine where you can go back to previous arcs and complete sub quests you may have missed. For some insane reason when you pick up a side quest it gets locked to your main character at the time, and the chapter. r/kakarot: The official Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot subreddit. I missed a quest because of a bug probably. IGN's Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot from the title screen to the final credits.