OCSB Opportunities for Summer Mental Health 2020. Parent Math Night Resources. Holy Thursday- Stations of the Cross. CSPA Communication Survey. Dec. 20: Kindergarten Sing-a-long, 2-3:30pm. This student will be the recipient of an award and will represent St. Luke at our annual Celebrating Excellence Ceremony on Monday, April 8th at St. Paul Catholic High School.. Spiritual Theme/ Thème spirituel Our Spiritual Theme for 2018-2021 is: “Seek Justice, Love Kindness & Mercy, Walk Humbly with God”/ "Pratique la Justice, Aime la Miséricorde et Marche Humblement avec Dieu", comes from Micah 6:8.This three-year theme will focus on Catholic social teachings, aligned with global competencies and encourages learners to think globally and act locally. Happy Mother's Day! Jackson Trails Early Learning Center-May 2016. The Gospel Values include Community, Dignity of Persons, Excellence, Faith, Hope, Love and Stewards for Creation. Grade 2 First Reconciliation. The Social, Spiritual, Moral and Cultural Development of pupils is important to us and one way in which we foster this is by promoting our ‘Gospel Values’ alongside our British Values. Happy New Year! Everyone welcome. This set of expectations encourages our students to adopt a lifestyle whereby they never give up their spiritual and academic quest for knowledge. Dear friends this channel is created to help you to grow in the Lord by listening the devotional songs and inspiring sermons. On the homepage it's simply decoration 2016-17 Student Transportation Information, 2016/17 Student Transportation Information. Welcome Back! By following these Gospel Values, our young students will grow in faith and will learn to implement these values in everything they do – both in school and out of school. Motherisk Commission. Students on a journey toward graduation from a Catholic school in Ontario are challenged to meet Catholic Graduate Expectations (CGE). Merry Christmas! Gospel Values Assembly - Friday, February 3, 2017. ADHÉRENT. First Parent Council meeting tomorrow night, Grade 6 Classes visit St. Joseph High School Today. Holy Thursday- Stations of the Cross. This will give you an opportunity to testify.” (21: 12-13) “Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup” (11:39) Simplicity, non-attachment to wealth. Put simply, they are what Jesus said, what He did and what He told us to do. Grade 7 Transition Meetings - March 2nd. Gospel Value: Hope. IMPORTANT: St Stephen Retrieval of Personal Belongings Schedule. It is a strong letter of support for Catholic education in the same strong tradition as previous documents. Our Catholic faith and the gospel values are integrated into all areas of the curriculum, as well as, the life of the school. Happy New Year! GV Newsletter - May 22, 2018. Dec.19: Craft-O-Rama for Grade 1, 1:15pm - 3:15pm. Grade 7 Transition Meetings - March 2nd. learn in light of gospel values. Mabel's Labels. Open House and BBQ- September 21st. First Indigo Night a Huge Success! Faith, hope, love, community, dignity of persons, excellence, justice, and stewardship for creation — these eight values motivate our students and add spiritual depth to their education. If Gospel values were being infused into the curriculum, that process was being done spontaneously and at the discretion of each individual teacher. These themes permeate the culture of our schools as they are integrated into our … Grade 6 Field Trip - Correction from June Newsletter . Weekly Updates November 2nd - November 6th, 2020, Weekly Updates October 19 - October 23, 2020, Weekly Updates: October 5 to October 9 2020, Weekly Updates: September 28 - October 2, 2020. Bishop Marcus Stock of Leeds, in his book Christ at the Centre, provides a list of Gospel values based on the Beatitudes of St Matthew as follows: faithfulness and integrity; dignity and compassion; humility and gentleness; truth and justice; forgiveness and mercy; purity and holiness; tolerance and peace; service and sacrifice. Thank you St. Benedict School Council! Clicking it will take you to the homepage on inner, post or subsequent pages. A reflective and creative thinker who makes decisions in light of gospel values with an informed moral conscience. Happy Mother's Day! Welcome Back! Have you registered for kindergarten yet? The letter uses the scriptural account of the Road to Emmaus as the basis for their reflection on the mission and vision of Catholic education, celebrating that a true encounter with Jesus can and does take place, each and every day within our Catholic schools. Grade 6 Students to St. Brigid's Camp. Gospel Values "But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you"- Matthew 6:33. As an aside, I think there is an interesting piece of work to be done on drawing Gospel … Holy Spirit Parish News. OCSB Summer Registration Centre - Walk ins welcome! Faith, hope, love, community, dignity of persons, excellence, justice, and stewardship for creation — these eight values motivate our students and add spiritual depth to their education. Lone Star Night ~ Wednesday Nov. 19th. The Gospel Values are also reflected in our Community Pledge, which can be found here. Ajouter à mes alertes. Dental Hygiene information from Ottawa Public Health. They are the principles of faith, respect, forgiveness and service (to name a few!) Homework Club . > Gospel Values - Review the 8 themes > OCSB Theme - Introduction to the logo & theme > Songs used in class include: - Examples of Scripture Scrolls. Completed Council Meetings & MPB SCHOOL COUNCIL MINUTES: December 2020 Parent Council Meeting Minutes. Parent & guardian survey: Christmas vacation 2016-17. Grade 6 Parent Information Night at St. Joseph High School - New Date! Our GV Lenten Initiative. The Institute for Catholic Education has released Renewing the Promise, a pastoral letter which provides us with a very positive and affirming message. Welcome to Kindergarten Evening. So you can rest assured knowing that your child’s education is grounded in positive values, which will help them develop into active members of the global community. Promoting British Values and Christian Gospel Values in our school. Happy New Year! While the academic success of a child is very important, most would agree that it’s even more important that their child grows up to be a good person. We hope you can join us! Dr. Mamen … Orange and Black Day- Friday, October 30th . The parent members of the OCSB PIC are appointed by CSPA. Dec. 20: Craft-O-Rama for kindergarten, 1-2pm. At the OCSB, we provide an education that respects the universal values of all faiths, grounded in Catholic principles. NEW Mazzola Order Form. Jackson Trails Early Learning Center-May 2016. SCHOOL CLOSURE Monday, September 24, 2018 - no school for students, School principal meets the challenges of opening St. Benedict School, School Will Closed Wednesday February 13, 2019, St. Benedict Community Hamper Advent Project, St. Benedict Indigo Night - Wednesday, November 30, St. Benedict School Official Opening Ceremony, St. Benedict “Being the Good News through Empathy” Advent Project. Cyber Bullying Event Thursday March 30th. Gospel Values. A self-directed, responsible, life long learner who applies effective communication, decision-making, problem-solving, time and resource management skills. IMPORTANT: St Stephen Retrieval of Personal Belongings Schedule. Grade 6 Classes visit St. Joseph High School Today. Ajouter à mes alertes. Gospel Values. 4f. GV Dance-a-Thon - May 13th. 3d. Dental Screenings. The new OCSB theme! Mabel's Labels Holiday Poster. GV News- Sept 25th - Oct 8th. Holy Thursday- Stations of the Cross. Holy Spirit Parish News. Halloween. October 2014 Newsletter. CHC2D – Canadian History since World War I 1 credit, Academic, Prerequisite: None. Important Dates at St. Stephen this week! … “Every member of the Catholic school community should read the challenges laid before them in “Renewing the Promise.”. Musical Theatre Student Showcase Performance coming to St. Benedict! We speak of "Gospel values" a lot in our Church Schools. This curriculum is designed to develop students’ understanding that their citizenship and efforts to live gospel values extends to their presence in the digital world. Our policies, procedures and daily teaching are underpinned by these values. Consider joining St. Benedict's Catholic School Council! Important Dates for Next School Year. Here is our first newsletter for 2017! T WITTER F ACEBOOK. Gospel Values Assembly - Friday, February 3, 2017. Parent Information Session - Fentanyl and Opioids. IMPORTANT: St Stephen Retrieval of Personal Belongings Schedule. Welcome Back. Grade 6 Students to St. Brigid's Camp. Grade 7 Transition Meetings - March 2nd. We’ve adopted a model for Catholic character formation, where Gospel values are at the foundation of our religious and family life teachings. Jackson Trails Early Learning Center-May 2016. GOSPEL POUR 100 VOIX THE 100 VOICES OF GOSPEL ZENITH DE STRASBOURG ZENITH EUROPE ECKBOLSHEIM. NICOLETTA-TOURNEE DES CATHEDRALES & DES EGLISES 2020 CATHEDRALE SAINTE CECILE ALBI. 2020-21 St. Benedict School Council - Join Us! THURSDAY JANUARY 24, 2019 SCHOOL BUSES ARE CANCELLED TODAY, Transportation Information - September 2017, Update to Ottawa Public Health Screening Protocols for Students. But, education is more than teaching students how to do well on tests. OCSB Refugee Support. It’s about guiding the development of the whole child. Homework Club . Assembly in gym today, January 31st, at 2:30 pm. Grade 6 Leaving Ceremony . Upcoming 2020-21 School Council Meeting Dates: Tuesday, November 17th 2020 . As a Catholic School Board, we will ensure that our Religious Education and gospel values continue to be integrated in our teaching. Homework Club . CSPA and OCSB present, Concussion Awareness; Helping our students. GV Newsletter March 27th. By affirming the value of Catholic education and the good work being done in our schools, the bishops have laid out a clear direction for the Catholic school community as it moves into the next 20 years.”. 7i. Volunteer Breakfast. Grade 6 Parent Information Night at St. Joseph High School - New Date! United Way Pumpkin Raffle. Updates on COVID-19 will always be posted to OCSB Supports. LEARNING FRENCH AT OCSB. Our goal at OLMC Catholic School is to provide an educational path that develops innovative lifelong learners and creative problem solvers. Happy New Year! Happy New School Year! Gospel Values– A summary statement. A Treasured St. Benedict Raven has left the Nest, Activity Fees are now on School Cash Online, ALERT: St. Benedict School open Tuesday, September 25, 2018, Bake Sale for Me to We - Tuesday December 3rd, Boys' Basketball Tournament Thursday April 18, 2019, BYOD? We provide academic excellence in French and English, and have some of the highest achievement scores in Ontario. The Ottawa Catholic School Board Copyright © 2020. Daily prayer, monthly liturgies, sacramental preparation, and seasonal masses all serve to build student and adult faith. School Buses Cancelled Monday April 8, 2019. This curriculum is designed to develop students’ understanding that their citizenship and efforts to live gospel values extends to their presence in the digital world. This is the OCSB Home button. Registration for the 2021-2022 school year opens in January. Welcome to Kindergarten Evening . Along with striving to provide the highest quality education, we emphasize the importance of social responsibility. Grade 7 Transition Meetings - March 2nd. Gospel Value Stewardship for Creation. Our schools provide a distinctive faith-based educational experience that includes religion courses in secondary school. The “family life” component of the courses include learning about healthy relationships, anti-bullying, and moral decision-making connected to life issues. If your child turns four by December 31, 2021, they can start school in September 2021. GV Catholic Education Week- May 7th-11th. NEW Mazzola Order Form. Decision Tool from Ottawa Public Health . S T.LUKE. The Bishops encourage all who share responsibility for Catholic education to continue to nurture and strengthen Catholic schools as communities that exemplify, in word and in deed, the Good News of Jesus Christ. Halloween. Orange Shirt Day - Monday September 30, 2019, Our school will be offering Extended Day Programs (Before and After School Care). Gospel Values Assembly - Friday, February 3, 2017. Nov 2020 Parent Council Meeting … Important Dates at St. Stephen this week! We are linked and supported by our local parish, St. Martin de Porres Church, located in Bells Corners. Mazzola Form - September/October. NEW Mazzola Order Form. No School, Friday February 15, 2019 and Monday February 18, 2019. Le 16/01/2021. NEW Mazzola Order Form. St. Joseph High School Grade 6 Parent Information Night. GV Fun Fair-June 14th. Gospel Values Assembly - Friday, February 3, 2017. STAPLES can help. Walking school bus. These themes permeate the culture of our schools as they are integrated into our curriculum and school life. Grade 6 Leaving Ceremony. It establishes a renewed direction for all parties by making calls for a new evangelization and for communities that accompany students by listening and teaching and by sharing the Eucharist. That means that along with encouraging students to achieve academic excellence, we focus on helping students develop into well-rounded adults ready to become the leaders of the future. December 19th Sing-a-Long. À partir de 37, 30 € Voir. Children are multi-faceted; they deserve an education that supports all aspects of their development. Indisponible. Homework Club . Council Meeting Information. This course explores social, economic, and political developments and events and their impact on the lives of different individuals, groups, and communities, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit individuals and communities, in Canada since 1914. Jackson Trails Early Learning Center-May 2016. Need a Chromebook? October Newsletter. Parent Math Night. Grade 6 Leaving Ceremony . Kids Run for Nature. OCSB. Kids Run for Nature. Payment Deadlines for Milk, Pizza and Popcorn, Pizza Day Will Be Thursday February 14, 2019 This Week, Progress Reports Parent/Teacher Interviews, School Bus Cancellation Today, Tuesday February 5, 2019, SCHOOL BUSES ARE CANCELLED FOR WEDNESDAY JANUARY 23, 2019, School Buses Cancelled - February 23, 2018. Justification: I chose to place my reflections on creation under Effective Communicator because being an effective communicator means that we are not just able to share our own views and ideas but we are also able to listen effectively to others. To Do: 1) Complete Geolabs 2, 17, Notes on Latitude and Longitude. Track and Field Cancelled. This is the OCSB Home button. Parent's Night Out Thursday March 28, 2019. Important Dates for Next School Year. Happy New School Year! NEW DATE - Parent Focus Group on Student Well-Being. The Board is working on a plan to distribute devices to students, but this has not yet been approved by Ottawa Public Health JOIN TODAY! GV Christmas Food Drive. As an educational activity, students will have opportunities for the development of knowledge related to religious literacy, concepts and ideas, not only of Catholicism, but also of the religions of the world and philosophy. Important Dates at St. Stephen this week! New Principal and Vice Principal Appointments at St. Benedict. GOSPEL EXPERIENCE PASCAL HORECKA … Volunteer Breakfast - Monday, June 19th. IMPORTANT: St Stephen Retrieval of Personal Belongings Schedule. Different Folks, Different Strokes: Understanding and Supporting our Children Through School. Grade 6 Parent Information Night at St. Joseph High School - New Date! Intro to Self-Regulation - Stress Behaviour versus Misbehaviour - Nov. 3, January School Council meeting-Rescheduled, Junior Boys' Handball Practice and Tournament, Junior Kindergarten visits scheduled on September 6th and 7th, Kindergarten Transportation Information 2018-2019, Multiculturalism Day - Thursday, May 10, 2018. Clicking it will take you to the homepage on inner, post or subsequent pages. “You cannot serve God and wealth.” (16:13), “Do not worry about your life.” (12:22) Humility, lack of ego, disinterest in status, dependence on God. We certainly wanted to affirm and encourage those individual efforts, but we also decided to explore a coordinated effort by the entire school to infuse Gospel values into the curriculum. All Gospel values are grounded in the experience of Christian faith. Grade 6 Leaving Ceremony. Kids Run for Nature. Try out the new Google Meet with me and your classmates from 3:30-4:30pm today. We are hosting an Open House - Wednesday, August 31! Kids Run for Nature. We support the whole person’s mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth in a safe, diverse and respectful community. Sitemap. Holy Thursday- Stations of the Cross. GV End of the Year Fun Fair and BBQ- June 14th. > Prayer - In-class prayer - e.g. Grade 2s visit Mill of Kintail. We’ve adopted a model for Catholic character formation, where Gospel values are at the foundation of our religious and family life teachings. At OLMC a stimulating, exciting and challenging learning environment is provided so that all children can grow and reach their potential, intellectually, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically while developing 21st Century global competencies. This year we are pleased to recognize Kaelen in grade 5. ... which reflect the Gospel values and teachings of the Catholic Church. Happy New Year! OCSB was honoured to receive the prestigious first-ever 2019 Deep Learning District of Distinction Award. Grade 6 Classes visit St. Joseph High School Today. Holy Spirit Parish News. Crossing Guard assigned to the intersection of River Mist Road and Des Soldats-Riendeau Street, Dec. 19: Craft-O-Rama for Grade 3, 9:30am - 11:30am. Holy Spirit Parish News. A responsible citizen who respects the environment and uses resources wisely. Mazzola Lunch Order forms for Sept/Oct . Grade 2 First Reconciliation. Du 20/11/2020 au 19/03/2021. Important Dates at St. Stephen this week! Grade 2s visit Mill of Kintail. Important Dates for Next School Year. Kindergarten 2020-2021. Important Dates for Next School Year. On the homepage it's simply decoration Living our Faith > What would you see in the classroom & school community? Completed Council Meetings & MPB School Council Meeting tomorrow Night, grade 6 visit! Friends this channel is created to help you to grow in the Lord by listening the devotional and! Google Meet with me and your classmates from 3:30-4:30pm Today School grade 6 Information... 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