(*). Eating dates with some protein, such as whole nuts or nut butter, will slow down this increase in blood sugar levels further. When making date sugar, the dates need to be completely dried and hard, but not burned. It’s a healthy date cake recipe with only 8 ingredients that is quick and easy, lovely and moist, and can be eaten straight away or cut into slices and frozen in ziplock bags.. 2. Repeat the process with all the dates. Thus, they are not easy to dehydrate first time around, but actually require a 2-step dehydration process. Sunny Fruit, Organic Pitted Dates, Deglet Nour, 40oz, Bella Viva Dried Fruit Organic Dried Medjool Dates, 1lb, Woodstock, Organic Medjool California Dates, 12oz, 8-pack, Bergin Nut Company, Organic Medjool Dates, 14oz, Amazing Coachella, Organic Medjool Dates, 2lbs, King Solomon, Organic Premium Medjool Dates, 2.2lbs, Worldwide Botanicals, Organic Date Sugar, Organic, 1lb, Terrasoul Superfoods, Organic Medjool Dates, 2lbs, Organic California Deglet Noor Pitted Dates, 2.5lb, Wild & Raw, Sun Dried Organic Deglet Noor Pitted Dates 5oz, 2-pack, RECOMMENDED SUPPLIERS(About Affiliates & Amazon Associate Paid Links), HOME  -  EZINE  -  STORE  -  BLOG  -  PRIVACY POLICY  -  CONTACT  -  SITE MAP  -  DISCLAIMER  -  AFFILIATE POLICY, COPYRIGHT © 2020 SUPERFOODEVOLUTION.COM,  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 28 ounces - makes approximately 1/2 a quart or more of date sugar. Want to learn how to make date sugar using a dehydrator not an oven? Place onto 2 dehydrator trays with a screens and non-stick sheets on top. At this point, it is very easy to powder down as it has a freeze-dried like texture. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes in preheated oven, or until top is lightly toasted. Here on this page we provide more details about the process, plus our recipe on how to make date sugar below. Date sugar is made with dehydrated dates that are ground to resemble granulated sugar. Dehydrate for about 24 hours on med-high temperature setting. Once cooled and hardened, pulse the dates in segments using either a food processor/coffee grinder into a powdery form. Date sugar, especially organic types, can be prohibitively expensive. On a rimmed baking sheet, lay pitted dates in a single layer and bake for 3 hours and 15 minutes, turning dates 1-2 times throughout to ensure even baking. This is where the word "Specific", as in Specific Carbohydrate Diet, is important. Commercial date sugars, according to package labeling, are about 1-2g less sugar per teaspoon than If you've ever tried to make your own date sugar via dehydration methods, you most likely have ended up with a clumpy outcome after grinding your dried date pieces. Benefits of date syrup are it contains fibre, inexpensive to make, high in antioxidants and is an excellent natural sweetener.. You don’t have to use the expensive majool dates in this. Date sugar works impeccably well when added to baked goods such as bars, brownies, apple crumble, and cookies. This date … The final product is worth it however and about 28 ounces (or about 1 1/2 lbs) of dates will usually yield a little over 8 ounces of delicious tasting crystallized date sugar. To make date syrup, all you need is a food processor. Honestly, it is definitely worth the time. Date syrup is incredibly easy to make at home, can be more affordable than store-bought, and has the lush caramel hue and heady date flavor of its namesake fruit. Eating a wonderful bowl of oatmeal with a heaping tbsp (or more) of date sugar … 4.7 out of 5 stars 43. Homemade date sugar still retains the caramel-like flavor of the date and is perfect for use in recipes where a bulk sweetener is required. Your email address will not be published. Store in an airtight container (can last for several weeks), How to make date sugar (Paleo/Gluten free), How to make date sugar in steps (with pictures). To make it, the sap of the coconut palm tree is reduced until it crystallizes similar to the way that maple sugar is made. You want dates that are. It doesn't dissolve in hot teas the same way as other granulated sugars because of the fiber content. By using this website (www.superfoodevolution.com) you agree to the Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Affiliate Disclosure. Follow this method to make date paste: 1. You don't need to add other flow ingredients like flours or corn starch like other homemade recipes. Delicious date filling and crumbly topping. To Substitute Date Paste for Maple Syrup: Use double the amount of date paste when subbing for maple syrup. Place dates in large bowl and cover completely with purified water. Now, some people will ask why it is that we can have dates, if they contain a disaccharide. Soak dates for 2 hours or up to 2 days in fridge. Dehydrating the dates to make the sugar is the most time consuming part of the process. Please consult the advice of a medical health professional before undertaking or experimenting with any new. ; Use a immersion stick, food processor or blender to puree your date. Pitted - Some people aren't ware of that pitted means, dates that don't have the stone. All you need is some ripe dates and some water for soaking, as well as an electric blender. Store your homemade date sugar in an airtight container or glass jar with clamp-on lid. Content or images may not be copied or reproduced. We usually do this in two separate batches. Ania says. Date Squares With Oat Crust. Powder down your dehydrated date pieces in a high-speed blender into a fine crystallized sweetener. Hope that helps! You can go as simple as dates and water (or instead of water use apple juice), or you can add cinnamon and/or vanilla too. It is best used blended into drinks or incorporated with other ingredients. Tips on Baking with Date Sugar Date Sugar. coconut sugar. Soak the pitted dates in lukewarm or warm water for a few hours. For this reason, we use an old Blendtec blender mug specifically for grinding or powdering REALLY hard materials like tonic roots or in this case rock hard date pieces. Once cool, if any dates feel moist to the touch, continuing baking until fully dry. For a quicker version you can use 1 cup boiling hot water. Wash dates to remove any oils or stabilizers that might be used. For those on a low-sugar diet, it can be blended with no-calorie or low glycemic sweeteners, like monk fruit, stevia, yacon syrup, xylitol or Lakanto. So, if a recipe calls for 1/2 cup of maple syrup, I’d recommend using 1 cup of date paste. Although date sugar can be used a substitute for white sugar in baked goods, it is better suited for use in recipes that call for brown sugar. If you're not particular, higher dehydration temperatures will tend to speed up dehydration time. However, dates are also high in fibre, which helps to slow down digestion and may prevent blood sugar level spikes. The dates dissolve in the water and produce a gorgeous yet very healthy syrup that you can use in all your recipes. I don't want to see anyone waste their time and most importantly money. I made it with half the butter. Compared to coconut sugar, date sugar is noticeably less sweet by taste. There is a bit of a technique to it as dates by nature are rather moist and sticky. Ephie says. Please consult the advice of a medical health professional before undertaking or experimenting with any new diet regimen or health program. Because it is by nature very "hygroscopic", it is beneficial to place a desiccant packet (left over from a vitamin supplement bottle) in the jar just in case to eliminate any moisture absorption. Add the sun-dried dates in small batches and grind to get a powder. Scotch bonnet pepper sauce (BHM Pot Luck), Boiled Plantains with Kale (Paleo, Vegan), Jamaican Sweet Potato Pudding (Gluten Free + Vegan), A bag of fresh medjool dates (the dates should be pitted (without stones). Alternate method: If you want to make the sugar more of a “raw” food, to prevent loss of the nutrients found in dates, you can slowly dehydrate them at a low temperature (100-110 degrees) either in a dehydrator, or in the summertime — in a hot car, inside a (turned off) barbecue, or just out in the sun.That would take a couple days, given the hours of hot sunlight available. Let’s be friends, How to make date sugar from scratch - Paleo, gluten free, vegan *RECIPE UPDATED*. Use a mixer grinder to grind the dates. Brown Sugar Date Squares. When using date sugar as a substitute for regular white or brown sugar, a good rule thumb is to use 2/3 to 1 cup of date sugar for every cup of regular sugar … To make date syrup, whole dried dates are boiled and then strained using a cheesecloth. Wonderful for care packages. Try using date sugar in some of our recipes for: peanut butter cookies, gingerbread cookies and kombucha candy. Place in a food processor and pulverize into small pieces. When making this date sugar recipe we placed the temperature dial at the half way point (125 °F or 52 °C). « Chocolate avocado ice cream (vegan style). 2) Pulverize in Food Processor - It is best to pulverize pitted dates as opposed to drying them whole or chopping them by hand. It can be used as a sweetener for hot beverages but doesn't completely dissolve because of the fiber content. Raw dehydrated date sugar is full of fiber as well as nutrients which helps to slow the rate of digestion, providing a healthier boost of energy when you need one. Cool before cutting into … Original recipe calls for a full cup of butter in the topping ingredients. Dried pulverized dates get VERY hard and will sound like glass when grinding. To make date sugar, dates are further dehydrated and then pulverized into a powder, yielding a light brown-colored, fiber-rich granulated sugar. While it might take a little bit longer, the end result produces a fine powdery sugar that is very similar to the consistency of coconut sugar. A few people are running into problems with this recipe so I want to update the post to ensure that everyone gets this right the first time. The first round requires about 24 hours, the second about 8 hours. Well, it took us a few attempts to get it down, but now we know how to successfully make homemade date sugar without having to bake the dates first. Like date sugar, coconut sugar is minimally processed. After this process you will notice the original pieces have puffed up a bit and also are a lighter color. ; You can use the quick (soak in boiling water) or overnight option to make the paste. We noticed on the labels of most commercial date sugar brands, they use deglets as oppose to medjool dates. DISCLAIMER: By using this website, you agree and approve that all information is for educational purposes only and is the personal view and opinion of the author(s) and website owner; not in any way intended as medical advice, personal instruction, diagnosis or prescription. 4) Use High-Speed Blender - The best way to grind a lot of dried date pieces is to use a high-speed blending device, like a Vitamix or Blendtec. Organic raw Date Sugar Fairtrade 1 kg 100% Natural deglet Nour Sweetener 1000g. Raw Food Recipe for Date Sugar Halve the dates and remove the pits. Once dates are softened, place dates … Can be used as a sugar substitute for other types of granulated sweeteners. How To Make Date Paste To Replace Sugar. I love the idea of the date sugar because it might be cheaper to make it than to buy maple sugar, but you should research about the maple sirup more. 1) Type of Date - When have found that drier date varieties, particularly deglet noor dates, work best for making sugar. Then turn the heat down to med low and allow the mixture to simmer. While it does not contain as much fiber as date sugar does, it does provide the sweetness and butterscotch notes that you would get from date sugar. ; Any type of dates will work or use prune/figs/raisins instead. Using a dehydrator, would probably make this this step easier because the dates would likely not have to be monitored as closely while drying. Seek the advice of your healthcare provider or dietitian before using date sugar on a regular basis if you are diabetic, prone to parasitic infections or candida overgrowth and/or have a serious medical condition. Content or images may not be copied or reproduced. This information and content has not been evaluated by the FDA and is absolutely not intended to cure or prevent any disease. March 21, 2018 at 8:25 pm. Leave it at least 24 hours and stir it a few times. Again, date sugar can be a great alternative to refined cane sugar or other types of natural sweeteners. All you do is add some dates, such as mejool dates to about ½ cup of water, cover and put it in the fridge. Hi Julie, I linked to my data source (a video) from the post. The actual temperature of the food you are dehydrating is about 20 °F cooler. Sieve the dates powder and grind the lumps that are left in the sieve. Scatter out on 4 dehydrator trays with screens, if using an Excalibur dehydrator. Reply. By using this website (www.superfoodevolution.com) you agree to the Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Affiliate Disclosure. In Baked Goods. Yes – one date contains at least 6g of sugar. The great thing about date sugar and date syrup, is that you can substitute them 1 for 1. You basically want to get as much surface area exposed as possible to increase drying time. Once done remove from the oven, set aside and let the dates cool completely they will harden as they cool down. By using this website, you agree and approve that all information is for educational purposes only and is the personal view and opinion of the author(s) and website owner; not in any way intended as medical advice, personal instruction, diagnosis or prescription. Place the baking tray in the oven and allow the dates to roast in the oven until they are SEMI HARD (not … Then spread the chopped dates on a plate and sundry for about 7-10 days. Date syrup is a thick, caramel-colored sweetener made from dates. This information and content has not been evaluated by the FDA and is absolutely not intended to cure or prevent any disease. It is not as simple as it may seem. How to make date syrup. DON'T NOT LET THEM BURN I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS!! So if you make them into date sugar, and even if that date sugar is 100% pure dates, what you are getting is a whack of sucrose. Spread out pulverized dates best you can (as they can be somewhat sticky) onto a dehydrator tray with a screen only so air can adequately circulate. (About Affiliates & Amazon Associate Paid Links. Soak them in hot water for about 2 … Original recipe used all sugar. One of its main benefits is that is whole food based with fiber intact, which helps to slow the rate at which it is digested. Make sure to refrigerate (up to a month) or freeze for a year. Natural sweetener recipe for date syrup that is cheap, healthy and full of good stuff.Date syrup uses are any recipes that call for no refined sugar and cakes like a quinoa chocolate cake. We usually do this in two separate batches. The well-sundried date pieces should crack easily. diet regimen or health program. Place the baking tray in the oven and allow the dates to roast in the oven until they are SEMI HARD (not mushy) so keep a watchful on them during the entire process. That Girl Cooks Healthy. But do remember this rule of the thumb―while substituting white sugar with date sugar, use only ⅔ cup of date sugar in place of 1 cup of white sugar. Use this as your starting temperature and roast the dates until they darken. Minimally processed use a immersion stick, food processor and pulverize into small pieces dates, if an. Sugar production whole nuts or nut butter, will slow down this increase in blood levels! If using an Excalibur dehydrator medium saucepan on medium high heat to bring a... As they cool down stick, food processor or blender to puree your date also are lighter... If any dates feel moist to the Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Affiliate Disclosure beverage you will notice original... Or use prune/figs/raisins instead touch, continuing baking until fully dry sound like glass when grinding is minimally.. 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