Hotfix (2014-02-05): " Huolon's spawn point has been moved to the ground." it can loot the mount Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent. Houlon's Spawn Time. (Rare Elite) Reaction: A H Community. Have 3 toons, 3 first kills dropped epoch stones and coins 5 th which was third on same toon dropped mount, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 3) It's almost instakill for 110+ characters (depends on the spell) and instakill for 120 level. The respawn time could be longer depending on whether you got sharded or not. But Huolon didn't spawn… So I heard a rumor that Huolon, the rare spawn on Timeless Isle has an internal quest which becomes complete on killing him, and is regarded as a daily. I left the group and rejoined, moved in to their phase, and killed him again 10 minutes after the last. On my blog you will find comprehensive information on where to find notable rare spawns and unique hunter pets along with some of my own experience looking for them. I have camped this rarespawn over a number of days now and am 99.99% sure the respawn timer is a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes after the kill and corpse despawn. Huolon usually spawns within a 20-90 minute spawn timer, though most of his spawns will occur around the 30-60 minute mark. Patch 5.4.0 … (Rare Elite) Reaction: A H Huolon spawn pattern Not sure if anyone made a post about this yet but anyways. Sit close by with someone who can do an instant, ranged attack. Though I believe the chances for the drop are highest the first time that you kill Huolon, you can still get the mount on any kill afterwards. People who are saying 70 minutes, must've missed a spawn in-between. Huolon Beast (Serpent) The Black Wind Level ?? Huolon's respawn is a minimum of 31 minutes with a maximum of exactly 60 minutes. Despawn Time: 15 Minutes; Vampire Mask: Spawn Time: 25% chance of it or a Hamon Bubble spawning Rotfeaster spawn timer Rotfeaster spawn timer Aug 01, … (And while it's saying Huolon is alive, it keeps switching his health around from 80% to 100%) Meanwhile, the RareAnnouncer add-on is not saying Huolon spawned - which is correct. Huolon's respawn is a minimum of 31 minutes with a maximum of exactly 60 minutes. I happened through Huolon's spawn point on my way to farm the Blizzard Stone. Only one figurine (real or fake) can be up on a server per warmode at any one time. Although one spawned it will gain altitude and begin to do a lap of The Blazing Way before returning close to where it … Huolon is a massive pain in the butt as well. Portals can stay up for 50 seconds to 15 minutes at a time. My Battletag is: Brobson#1374. Timers There are two ways to create timers: 1. If you weren’t already aware, with the Shadowlands pre-patch, cloud serpents are now tamable by hunters. No joke, I've been soloing Huolon and Cinderfall pretty much whenever I go to check their spawn points, probably a half dozen times apiece or so. The addon will then respond with "Rare: Huolon was killed 11 Min ago". ^-^ There is a 5% chance for a "real" figurine to spawn, meaning that the remaining 95% of the time, the "fake" figurine will spawn. :). Huolon usually spawns within a 20-90 minute spawn timer, though most of his spawns will occur around the 30-60 minute mark. Especially Spawn timer: 48-96 hours after server restarts the portal start spawning. Having daily rares that take many minutes to respawn isn’t fun and an unnecessary time sink. Arkamedix: Then a idiot who already has the mount, comes and finds him by luck (while the unlucky camper is 200 yards away) and kills him with one normal hit (he doesnt even needs to use a skill for that). Log in Sign up. Another friend of mine, brand new to the game, decided to come along. If no one clicked on the portal, respawn time is 2-4 hours I have screen shots, maps with locations and fraps videos of each rare. ._2YJDRz5rCYQfu8YdgB_neb{overflow:hidden;position:relative}._2YJDRz5rCYQfu8YdgB_neb:before{background-image:url(;content:"";filter:var(--newCommunityTheme-invertFilter);height:100%;position:absolute;width:100%}._37WD6iicVS6vGN0RomNTwh{padding:0 12px 12px;position:relative} Also, I have heard that you can only have a chance at the mount once per day, and this is not true. Patch 5.4.0 … Huolon is a massive pain in the butt as well. The Huolon mount was fun though. I think it varies with realm pop and number of people currently on the isle. she-wolvess. Huolon Beast (Serpent) The Black Wind Level ?? Huolon (Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent) seems to be spawning much faster as of 8.0 Spawn timer used to be between 30 and 60 minutes, multiple times today I've logged in before my 30 minute timer has gone off and it's already spawned and had time to do a lap of the isle. #world of warcraft #wowedit #huolon #gamingedit #worldofwarcraftedit #my edit. the times when rare mobs have been rare, were times, when rare mobs were mostly irrelevant, some few examples to please the hardcore audience (like Aoenus etc. Hotfix (2014-02-05): " Huolon's spawn point has been moved to the ground." Blizzard can we please ensure that rare spawns in Shadowlands either: Have long respawn times but have no cap on the amount of times that can be looted or Respawn relatively quickly but can only be looted once per day/ week. There is a 1% chance that an epic flying mount will drop. Witness a kill 2. Find and follow posts tagged huolon on Tumblr. I've ran your profiles for the isle overnight a couple of times now. Can anyone confirm if this is true? Huolon Huolon is a rare spawn in Timeless Isle that has a 1% or 1 in 100 chance of dropping Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent. On my blog you will find comprehensive information on where to find notable rare spawns and unique hunter pets along with some of my own experience looking for them. I thought to put one alt to Huolon's spawn pos, expecting similar experience as with the 4 greater raid bosses that you have 3 seconds or so to tag … It’s just tedious and defeating. Doesn’t seem that different to me than trying for Invincible or Attumen’s horse or Rivendare’s Charger or Huolon, etc. Maybe there's different phasing for those with it on and those with it off? Kill him, go do stuff for 30 minutes, camp, kill him, repeat. 45-60 minutes is very likely to spawn, with 50-60 mins the most common (52-60 mins usually the most likely spawn time). All timers are account wide. The spawn timer on Pandaria world bosses seems to have been lengthened considerably, now that we're level 100. All rares in MoP aside from certain kill to spawn rares in Isles follow the same rule. After we waited for about 15 minutes for Huolon to spawn, we quickly downed him. Fortunately if you’re also farming the Champions of the Black Flame for their toy – the Blackflame Daggers – then you can see Huolon spawn & run down the hill to catch Huolon! I'm wondering if the War Mode changes affected it. Huolon respawns every 30-60 minutes on the Timeless Isle. Huolon Beast (Serpent) The Black Wind Level ?? 0 soon? Got it on my 5th kill. ._3gbb_EMFXxTYrxDZ2kusIp{margin-bottom:24px;text-transform:uppercase;width:100%}._3gbb_EMFXxTYrxDZ2kusIp:last-child{margin-bottom:10px} To be fair, they updated it so that if you’re in a group with someone who tames Loq or Skoll, you get achievement credit. Once he even spawned back to back (bug most likely) was nice. The Sha of Anger can be found in Kun-Lai Summit and has a 15 minute respawn timer. It appears that there is a 12 min timer between boss respawns. Phasing seems to be a little weird right now. If someone claims portal in a zone and realm, 10-48 hours wait time before a portal spawns. Achievements [Timeless Champion] Patches and hotfixes. Spawn location: The Outflow (65.67 , 78.32) (up on the mountain) Respawn time: 30-60 min (n=11, avg. This particular fad is by flying high just outside the timeless isle, flying inward and getting dismounted, then using the glider purchased using timeless coins to land on the building that is Huolon's exact spawn point. 4) You can make a group up to 5 people. /*# sourceMappingURL=*/._2ppRhKEnnVueVHY_G-Ursy{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin:22px 0 0;min-height:200px;overflow:hidden;position:relative}._2KLA5wMaJBHg0K2z1q0ci_{margin:0 -7px -8px}._1zdLtEEpuWI_Pnujn1lMF2{bottom:0;position:absolute;right:52px}._3s18OZ_KPHs2Ei416c7Q1l{margin:0 0 22px;position:relative}.LJjFa8EhquYX8xsTnb9n-{filter:grayscale(40%);position:absolute;top:11px}._2Zjw1QfT_iMHH7rfaGsfBs{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;background:linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(0,121,211,.24),rgba(0,121,211,.12));border-radius:50%;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;height:25px;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;margin:0 auto;width:25px}._2gaJVJ6_j7vwKV945EABN9{background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);border-radius:50%;height:15px;width:15px;z-index:1} (Rare Elite) Reaction: A H Huolon can be found within The Blazing Way section of the Timeless Isle Huolon has roughly a 40 to 60 minute respawn time and always spawns in the same location (as seen in below image). But Huolon didn't spawn, though the add-on says he did. Right after someone told me this the mount dropped for me on my first kill of the day. The favorite place to engage the boss is just north of Axefall vicinity 36.4, 39.0. Limsa-area-52. Soundless has a 6-8hr respawn timer, killable once per day, and has multiple spawn points. I've been doing research sense 2PM today and found that he spawns every 40 minutes to an hour. Huolon, had a 30-70 minute respawn timer, 70 minutes being around the longest. Huolon Beast (Serpent) The Black Wind Level ?? /*# sourceMappingURL=*/Also worth noting he has a daily "kill check". 1) Spawn Timer is 30-60 minutes. If someone on your group tag it, everyone in … This command works with NPCID, or partial name of the NPC. In-Depth of how it works When a player with the addon is near a world boss that dies, the addon registers the time of the death, and calculates the spawn time. Like the Crimsonscale Firestorms, she will ignore players unless attacked. With it being on a 30-60 minute spawn timer just be sure to head there as soon as it hits the 30 minute mark. I cannot be sure that he spawns in the same location that other frogs do, but I know it to not be 100% true, because I have seen him spawn … Presumably the first kill per day has a higher chance to drop the mount. If a "true" appears in the chat window, Huolon has been looted today; "false" indicates the opposite. This includes Isle of Thunder and old rares. After camping him the past few days, his spawn timer appears to be the same as the other elite rares on the island, which is anywhere from 30-58 minutes. Heh, on live I have yet to see many of them as well. Nalak was not present when I arrived on the grounds, and waiting for an extended period of time, there was no sign of him. He's the guy I've been camping the most at the moment. Timers There are two ways to create timers: 1. ^-^ The rares are a lot more spread out, there’s no jetpack to get there fast and the spawn timers are a lot longer than mechagons timers. I've missed out on rares by 30 seconds because I don't get there at the 30 minute mark sometimes. Nalak was not present when I arrived on the grounds, and waiting for an extended period of time, there was no sign of him. On kiljaeden, depending on how many people are killing things on the island in his area he can spawn every 30. 454 notes. It's very rare that it's an ... Huolon is sad to be forgotten so soon. This particular fad is by flying high just outside the timeless isle, flying inward and getting dismounted, then using the glider purchased using timeless coins to land on the building that is Huolon's exact spawn point. Also hardly seeing anybody else camping this guy at all compared to the 8-10 that were here for every single spawn before yesterday. Trial Characters CAN NO LONGER LOOT most rare mounts from rare spawns!!! When a player with the addon is near a world boss that dies, the addon registers the time of the death, and calculates the spawn time. But I don’t camp them or try to get them all the time. The Huolon Situation. Seems to be consistently be faster and I've seen multiple other people commenting on it. It's where your interests connect you with your people. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. let people loot and move on. It pop always in the place shown on the video, with time from 30 to 50 min for repop. Huolon67.0, 60.4 is a rare elite Cloud Serpent that spawns at the bridge connecting The Blazing Way with Firewalker Ruins. The spawn timer on Pandaria world bosses seems to have been lengthened considerably, now that we're level 100. That is, it is NOT given by the server. Introduced in: Patch 5.4 Travel Mode: Ground (+60% or +100% speed) Flying (+150%, +280% or … No drop. Seeing as he spawns in the same place and his spawn timer is even pretty predictable in many situations that 10 fold reduction makes no sense. It provides exact spawn timers when possible, otherwise approximate timers with min-max times. - Persistent countdown timers - Shareable timers - Timer announcing - Alerts on aggro and on (or before) spawn: - Sound alert - Flash game icon. Approximate: Nalak, Sha of Anger, Huolon Limited support: Zandalari Warbringers. the times when rare mobs have been rare, were times, when rare mobs were mostly irrelevant, some few examples to please the hardcore audience (like Aoenus etc. Sit close by with someone who can do an instant, ranged attack. 45-60 minutes is very likely to spawn, with 50-60 mins the most common (52-60 mins usually the most likely spawn time). Continued on my way to find the Blazebound Chanter, got bored, came back through just in time for Huolon to spawn. Recommended: A coordinate addon, such as TomTom, to allow them to input the rare spawn coordinates when someone else announces them via the "/way X Y" command, or a map addon that will allow them to see coordinates. The timers are kept on your account, and will be visible when you log another character. I know because I was just waiting on him so I could go to bed. Figure out exactly when the kill was, time it out so you know when to pay closer attention. Now this spawn point is high in the air, and out of range for anyone on the bridge. According to this addon, Huolon just spawned, and [many] people are asking in chat "where's huolon?" They will despawn if not clicked within that time period. The figurines share a 2-8 hour spawn timer. Mere seconds later, Huolon popped and we all got a lick in. Now this spawn point is high in the air, and out of range for anyone on the bridge. 2) Huolon is spawning at (65.5 57.3) in meele range. However, you won't auto-announce the timers if they are considered contaminated. 45.55 min) EDIT 27/06: Phasing and sharding can cause issues with the respawn time. (Rare Elite) Reaction: A H I've been doing research sense 2PM today and found that he spawns every 40 minutes to an hour. When I say brand new, I mean he boosted his character and has ~4 hours in all of his WoW career. With it being on a 30-60 minute spawn timer just be sure to head there as soon as it hits the 30 minute mark. I cant find any information about this internal quest. Figure out exactly when the kill was, time it out so you know when to pay closer attention. Players wishing to know the last spawn time of a rare may send "raretime Huolon" into General chat. Thanks. They spawn anywhere from 45 minutes - 1 hour. Add me in game and whisper me to hang out, hunt achieves, raid, pvp, or whatever else! I've been looking around everywhere online for his spawn time and just couldn't seem to find it, so enjoy and good luck on your mount farm! No more, no less, it can spawn right on the dot and WILL spawn at 1 hour if it hasn't already after the rare's death. So over the past few days, a friend and I have started to camp Huolon for his glorious mount. Update: Using Trial Characters for this method has been substantially nerfed!!!!! Sha of Anger. flyingkittehcat. Be close to someone who shares the timer in /say. I have screen shots, maps with locations and fraps videos of each rare. It's very rare that it's an actual hour wait time, so if you do this you would on … The addon will then respond with "Rare: Huolon was killed 11 Min ago". Have a look around and enjoy! Welcome all! Automatic sharing is disabled by Blizzard since 8.2.5. I also tend to call out when Garnia is due to spawn if it's within 10 minute to the hour. This causes nothing but grief between players; flat out, Huolon should not be tamable. Seems to be back to normal now unfortunately, looks like it was war mode sharding teething problems. The "fake" figurine can quickly become a nuisance to rare hunters. This command works with NPCID, or partial name of the NPC. I've been camping huolon for his mount the past 2 weeks or so and have around 200kills, the spawn point/spawn timer has always been the same until todays reset with Pandaria timewalking. They all die SO quickly. Huolon in Timeless Isle. The Black Market Auction House (rarely) Notes: This mount is as a rare loot drop. I've never heard of this at all and when I did some google searching I couldn't find any truth to these claims of a daily kill check meaning your first kill on your alts gives you a higher percent drop chance. That means if you kill those 2 mobs alone, you're getting a bare minimum of 800 coins, realistically around 2,000 coins for both mobs, and at least a 10% greater chance per kill to get burdens/timeless gear. Therefore you can only have a chance at getting the mount once a day on each character you have. Huolon Huolon is a rare spawn in Timeless Isle that has a 1% or 1 in 100 chance of dropping Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent. Just ask in chat when you get to mechagon when it was last killed. You could kill him multiple times a day, and he had one spawn point. Welcome all! One of the more sought after pets in the pre-patch is Huolon in the Timeless Isles, which if you’re familiar, is a rare spawn that has a chance to drop a mount. Saw a few guys hanging out by the ruins so I stopped and asked what's up. Nalak was not present when I arrived on the grounds, and waiting for an extended period of time, there was no sign of him. This particular fad is by flying high just outside the timeless isle, flying inward and getting dismounted, then using the glider purchased using timeless coins to land on the building that is Huolon's exact spawn point. Huolon has a respawn similar to the other Timeless Isle rares – its between 30 and 60 minutes so the only real option is to sit & wait at the place shown below. Now this spawn point is high in the air, and out of range for anyone on the bridge. Achievements [Timeless Champion] Patches and hotfixes. ._2JU2WQDzn5pAlpxqChbxr7{height:16px;margin-right:8px;width:16px}._3E45je-29yDjfFqFcLCXyH{margin-top:16px}._13YtS_rCnVZG1ns2xaCalg{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}._1m5fPZN4q3vKVg9SgU43u2{margin-top:12px}._17A-IdW3j1_fI_pN-8tMV-{display:inline-block;margin-bottom:8px;margin-right:5px}._5MIPBF8A9vXwwXFumpGqY{border-radius:20px;font-size:12px;font-weight:500;letter-spacing:0;line-height:16px;padding:3px 10px;text-transform:none}._5MIPBF8A9vXwwXFumpGqY:focus{outline:unset} That is, it is NOT given by the server. Features - Persistent countdown timers - Shareable timers - Timer announcing - Alerts on aggro and on (or before) spawn: - Sound alert - Flash game icon. Have a look around and enjoy! Huolon; Since writing this post the spawn time on Galleon and Oondasta have been hotfixed to be 15 minutes in 7.0.3: In 7.2.5 the Sha of Anger was changed to have a single spawn location near One Keg. I've stamped him at 2:15 PM, 2:52 PM, 3:41 PM, and most recently 4:35 PM. He took well over an hour to spawn in the early hours last night for my realm. The spawn timer on Pandaria world bosses seems to have been lengthened considerably, now that we're level 100. Hi all, on a few high populated servers, a new fad is taking over. And often times after killing Huolon, instead of counting the time from his last kill, it just records a dash, and no time (the same goes for some other rares). Never failed. I've stamped him at 2:15 PM, 2:52 PM, 3:41 PM, and most recently 4:35 PM. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I have seen him spawn in as little as 32 minutes, but 45 seems to be the average. Rukhmar is known to spawn south of the Apexis Excavation and north of Axefall just above the entrance to Skyreach. xD, Also the internal quest is presumed to be a higher chance. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The rarespawn timer for when something respawns is ALWAYS 30 minutes to one hour. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Despawn Time: 15 Minutes; Vampire Mask: Spawn Time: 25% chance of it or a Hamon Bubble spawning Rotfeaster spawn timer Rotfeaster spawn timer Aug 01, … There is a new reputation in Patch 5.4.0 that can only be earned on the Timeless Isle: "Emperor Shaohao".The player is introduced to Emperor Shaohao by Kairoz via the quest The Last Emperor, which players will obtain shortly after arriving on the Timeless Isle.The primary way to gain Emperor Shaohao reputation is to kill the Ordon Yaungol who live on the Timeless Isle. General Discussion. Can you give me some evidence to this claim if for no other reason that I can't find any evidence myself? Janek: there are also mobs that most see as hunter pets like Loque’nahak that people kill just for an achievement. If a "true" appears in the chat window, Huolon has been looted today; "false" indicates the opposite. 2-8 hour spawn timer with a 1% chance at a mount is not fun or thrilling. Hi all, on a few high populated servers, a new fad is taking over. 0 soon? Spawn timer used to be between 30 and 60 minutes, multiple times today I've logged in before my 30 minute timer has gone off and it's already spawned and had time to do a lap of the isle. Update 2 - Someone I'm in a group with somehow ended up in a different phase on timeless isle and had Huolon spawn 10 minutes after I killed him. Witness a kill 2. Hi all, on a few high populated servers, a new fad is taking over. Some spawn timer info for people camping Garnia for the pet. 18 October 2020 09:20 #21. Huolon seems to have a respawn timer of around 30-60 minutes. Continue this thread level 2 These times were tested on the PTR where the was no sharding. No idea what's going on.