im guessing the new f2p 17 and 18 and gohan are going to be part of the limited choices. Find the cards, build your team, create a graph to see how they link - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game View entire discussion ( 65 comments) More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. Lets find out! Breaking News: Goten and Trunks won a court case to be added into the Fusion Category! anuluj ... EZA GOLDEN FRIEZA AGL & INT & TEQ PORÓWNANIE I TEAM NA EXTREME Z BATTLE DOKKAN BATTLE PL. Trunks (Teen) 2318. 2851. Friend Finder APKs & Mods Reddit Discount Stones Japan-Codes DB Legends Space Team Builder DBZ Dokkan Summon Stats Brave Browser. gaming logo WHEN YOU WANNA SNAP YOUR iPAD IN HALF; gaming Następne wideo. 2. Vegeta is a very strong support after his EZA and works wonderfully with the new UR Resilient Will to Protect the Future - Trunks (Teen) (Future) S.TEQ in almost any category they’re both a part of. - Messenger from the Future - Super Saiyan - Royal Lineage - Z Fighters - Soul vs Soul Hybrid Saiyans - Future Saga - Full Power - Time Travelers - Vegeta's Family - Super Saiyans - Androids/Cell Saga - Bond of Master and Disciple - Rapid Growth - Saviors Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. home. 2127. Vous imaginez même pas la tête de la team E.Int Ressucité avec lui : Golden Freezer Ange. Close. 1714. well guess i should farm for paths when it comes back on global and i guess the eza area is for the f2p cards then. So glad I rainbow'd this guy back in the day. Explore the possibilities online at or call Team at 941-637-8326. Le Super Battle Road est l'un des modes de jeu les plus compliqués . When against Androids enemies, he gets an extra ATK Buff and a huge chance for his attacks to become Critical, giving him a good niche compared to some of the other SSJ Trunks Cards. Just a pair. Comments (10) SilverSagitarius. It may take a couple tries, especially if Mai gets supered, but you should be able to get through it. Memes. ► can be farmed to raise Super Attack, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 26. Puoi fare un hybrid team con Ult gohan str leader gotenks ss phy gotenks ss3 phy goten e trunks lr trunks ss gt str trunks ss future teq oppure un majin buu saga con vegeth ss phy leader goten e trunks lr agl gotenks ss phy gotenks ss3 phy vegeth teq goku ss3 angel teq . 130 Lv. NO ITEMS! Golden Warrior - The Saiyan Lineage - Super Saiyan - Royal Lineage - Prepared for Battle - Dismal Future - Fierce Battle Hybrid Saiyans - Future Saga - Time Travelers - Vegeta's Family - Super Saiyans - Androids/Cell Saga - Bond of Master and Disciple - Revenge - Battle of Wits x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. 1 TRUNKS (PETIT) 2 TRUNKS (PETIT) & MAI 3 TRUNKS (PETIT) & SON GOTEN (PETIT) & MARON 4 TRUNKS (PETIT) (GREAT SAIYAMAN) 5 TRUNKS SUPER SAIYAN (PETIT) 6 TRUNKS (PETIT) ET GOTEN (PETIT) 7 TRUNKS (JEUNE) 8 TRUNKS SUPER SAIYAN (JEUNE) 9 SUPER TRUNKS 10 SUPER VEGETA/SUPER TRUNKS 11 TRUNKS SUPER SAIYAN 2 (JEUNE) 12 TRUNKS SUPER SAIYAN 3 (JEUNE) 13 TRUNKS (ENFANT) (FUTUR) 14 TRUNKS … Trunks EZA gives him a very potent passive, that makes up for his poor base stats and makes him a competent fighter for F2P. Vegeta and Trunks EZA stage. Sep 7, 2019 - Cell gets his eza kope-Fullg soon so im hoping 9,0on - So hows the team lookin? Are the AGL LR Androids a must? Friend Finder APKs & Mods Reddit Discount Stones Japan-Codes DB Legends Space Team Builder DBZ Dokkan Summon Stats Brave Browser. rss. Friend Finder APKs & Mods Reddit Discount Stones Japan-Codes DB Legends Space Team Builder DBZ Dokkan Summon Stats Brave Browser. Some of these units like Jiren and UI Goku needs a TUR first. I hope I'm not the only one thrilled by this! So I just beat the hope fight against despair story and the eza for trunks didn't appear? Vegeta is insanely flexible and works well in Vegeta's Family, Pure Saiyans, Future Saga, Time Travelers or Siblings Bond category Teams. 1/80: STR Type HP, ATK and DEF + 30%: Shining Slash - Causes huge damage to enemy Details: Bet to the Future - ATK and DEF +15% for all allies: Royal Lineage - Ki +1 Cold Judgment - DEF +20% Messenger from the Future - ATK +5% Z Fighters - ATK +15% Soul vs Soul - Weakens Regeneration and Ki +1 Golden Z-Fighter - Ki +2 Super Strike - ATK +20%: Max. Fluff. It will take a lot longer for his EZA to drop in Dokkan’s global version but once it does, he becomes incredibly strong. On FP I kept him with LR Gohan.-TEQ Gotenks can get some defense with 11 ki or less after his EZA, PHY gets none at all. ur: : 11985. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space!. Imma replace phys trunks for lr ftp 1st form cell and str cell gets his eza hopefully soon so im hoping its good – popular memes on the site I have Int Trunks and up left . 2. 5 comments. dbz dokkan battlevideo's like goal: 800, let's get it. Many have been waiting for this dokkan fest extreme z awakening. edited 1 year ago. - Messenger from the Future - Super Saiyan - Royal Lineage - Prepared for Battle - Soul vs Soul - Fierce Battle Hybrid Saiyans - Future Saga - Full Power - Time Travelers - Vegeta's Family - Super Saiyans - Androids/Cell Saga - Bond of Master and Disciple - Rapid Growth fr:Colère concentrée - Super Trunks For Hybrid Saiyans, you’ll need to Link with his other versions, but there are also many good options there. Plutôt que de mettre Goku SSJ4 en lead et faire une team uniquement Pui, le Goku Agi qui est dans la catégorie Divin me semble être une solution qui tient la route. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Well? After EZA, he’s able to tank and becomes a lot more reliable while doing even more Damage. tumblr. 1103. 1851. Dans la première rotation Très Important: LE support gratuit, obtenable chez baba pour 30000 points, il se dokkan pour 7M de zenis et devient extrêmement utile dans la team Extrême INT. In Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 , after absorbing Perfect Cell, Super Buu can use the Spirit Bomb. If the LR Androids are actually required I'm going to have a heart attack. At least 1 year after they get TURs please. lol August 27 . Eza int trunks? eza ultimate gohan makes super int overpowered! Because of his EZA, he’s a bit costly but well worth it. moi j'ai fais une team de kévin Vegeta Lr Trunks LR agi Trunks LR endu Maijin LR Vegeta SSJ LR Vegeta tech EZA pour le support. DBZ World. Options. share. Trunks Je vais test celle-ci dans un premier temps. 2.9k. For now, he’s a key player in Fusions and decent on Hybrid Saiyans, Majin Buu Saga, Youth, and Super Saiyans category Teams. A list of all Top Tier, F2P, and world tournament also known as wt team builds for Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 1851. Golden Warrior - Messenger from the Future - Super Saiyan - Royal Lineage - Dismal Future - Prepared for Battle - Shattering the Limit Hybrid Saiyans - Future Saga - Time Travelers - Vegeta's Family - Super Saiyans - Bond of Master and Disciple - Revenge - Battle of Wits x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. Mots-clés : festival dokkan goku black int portail invocation. Copied; Likes (2) Comments (10) Copied; Likes (2) Like 2. De mon côté pas trop à me plaindre non plu. Not all farmable units necessarily. His Super ATK can also Debuff enemies ATK and DEF which can help the whole team. Weaknesses. Maybe the ones that use normal orbs, the special orb types can possibly get normal EZAs (Goku/Gohan and Vegeta/Trunks could be just test units), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. In this video we are going to talk about the new eza ultimate gohan event coming in a couple days and some team building guides and tips that can help you finish the eza event. For movie bosses I ran GF and Janemba on 1, and EZA PHY Broly and EZA AGL Broly on the other rotation. new eza ultimate gohan makes super int team overpowered! Translate: 2.9k. 125 Lv. Trunks works very well when paired with other versions of Trunks--Including Kid Trunks--and Vegetas on Vegeta’s Famiy, Future Saga, Time Travelers, Master-Student Bond, and Super Saiyans Teams. 100% RAINBOW STAR F2P EZA INT SSJ FUTURE TRUNKS! Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is a Gacha game by Namco Bandai released on both iOS and Android. C'est stupide mais en vrai ça marche plutôt bien. PHY EZA Trunks/STR Black/Supreme Oppai (depends on what event I'm facing) Or LR Trunks/Mai LR VB LR Romasu STR Rose INT Zamasu STR Black Trunks is alright, but his ATK is just sad if he's the only Vegeta's Lineage unit on the team. Trunks is very versatile. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! Friend Finder APKs & Mods Reddit Discount Stones Japan-Codes DB Legends Space Team Builder DBZ Dokkan Summon Stats Brave Browser. I could see it being a thing for..let's say..Cell (Perfect Form), or SSJ3 Broly, or Jiren and so on, Assuming it's not exclusively from story events but dokkan events as well, If it's story-only, then units like SSJ2 Caulifla or UI Goku could see EZAs via Extreme Z Area. ). contact. save hide report. Let's go, Trunks!Also, when Super Strike EZArea? New User. 135 Lv. ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 135% I USUALLY agree, but INT Cooler isn't just a Support, he's like EZA Trunks. 13. sr 5418. 1516. Uh, that's hot. 1/80 ... EZA. Car en team F2P avec seulement le Cell LR avec arbre à 100% c'est vraiment passé de justesse. Maybe the str 18 and LR androids as well. If EZArea allows more Drop Units to receive EZAs I'm all for it. EZA INT SSJ TRUNKS FUTURE TEST POKAZ OBRAŻEŃ I TEAM NA EXTREME Z BATTLE DOKKAN BATTLE PL. 3 months ago. Options. Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) 2111. Vegeta and Trunks EZA stage. Share to. First Goku/Gohan and Vegeta/Trunks, now SSJ Future Trunks. ur 12826. Daddy Issues. Forum › Version Globale › [GLOBAL] Nos Invocations › [Invocation] Portail Goku Black INT. Since they’re revamping, the event will probably get a category bonus, making the grind a little quicker for us who never bothered lol. dbz dokkan battle . Do I need to do something else for it to appear. Options. Kosiorskione . d-free. Press J to jump to the feed. Good supports are fine and all, but they can't compete with Dokkanfests like AGL Metal Cooler. dokkanyoutuber list. 135 Lv. 10. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. EZA. 1/80: TEQ and STR Type Ki +2: Final Flash - Causes extreme damage to enemy Details: Furious Resolve - ATK & DEF +30% for 7 turns from start of turn: Super Saiyan - ATK +10% Golden Warrior - All enemies' DEF -5% and Ki +1 Royal Lineage - Ki +1 Over in a Flash - Ki +3 Messenger from the Future - ATK +5% Dismal Future - Ki +1: Max. dbzdokkantube. Golden Warrior - Messenger from the Future - Super Saiyan - Royal Lineage - Dismal Future - Prepared for Battle - Fierce Battle Hybrid Saiyans - Future Saga - Time Travelers - Vegeta's Family - Super Saiyans - Bond of Master and Disciple - Revenge - Battle of Wits x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. What do you think of this colour, is it not beautiful. F2P Team VS Legendary Goku Event! Title: HOW TO BEAT INT RAGE TRUNKS'S EZA | EZA GUIDE [Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle] My Twitter: Posted by. Vegeta's Family. based on the Dragon Ball franchise.. A mysterious force has gathered the Dragon Balls and has made a major wish - for all the fighters in space/time to gather to see who the strongest is. Pour l'EZA de Trunks vous utilisez quelle team . jgok 9 months ago #1. komentarze do: peppy gals team - eza super ribrianne, eza rozie, eza kakunsa dokkan battle pl I don't think it matters too much because again, you don't want him to get hit regardless. It makes a LOT of differenceThe problem is that unlike Future Trunks EZA Cooler has to compete with a top quality Dokkanfest counterpart. Int ssj future trunks po eza oraz team na jego Extreme z battle ur: : 12503. 1130. 15 days ago. User Info: zak_627. Can we defeat it? r/DBZDokkanBattle: Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! Options. 130 Lv. Seems like the Extreme EZArea will be a thing going forward for F2P units. They don't fuse, so they get to be on Pure Saiyans. Maybe the str 18 and LR androids as well. Poziomy SSJ Addenda / Dragon Ball Ciekawostki. - Royal Lineage - Super Saiyan - The Innocents - Budding Warrior - Prepared for Battle - Shattering the Limit Hybrid Saiyans - Majin Buu Saga - Movie Heroes - Vegeta's Family - Youth - Super Saiyans fr:Efforts éclatants - Trunks Super Saiyan (petit) 125 Lv. Team Builder; Dokkan Stats;; Dokkan Battle Optimizer; Inscription ; Connexion [Invocation] Portail Goku Black INT. 13. 1-9) Black Power Ball (SA Lv. Tranquille avec cette team aussi: - page 4 - Topic Z-TUR de Trunks SSJ Ikari INT du 31-03-2020 17:52:43 sur les forums de Intendi goten e trunks lr? Trunks (Teen) (Future) 1947. Can it be done f2p? Metal Cooler EZA (bonnes stat et support + objectif Son Goku, normal) LR Metal Cooler (stat de LR + beaucoup de dégâts et Objectif Son Goku) dokkan wiki eza, Dokkan Eza Weakness Before his EZA, he’s easily the best early game Cards to have in your Team due to his flexibility and strong flat stat Boosts. Give me a larger selection and a lil better rewards with the EZA and I'll be perfectly fine. And this makes 2nd form frieza the final F2P unit to EZA normally... but who knows? Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle EZA INT Vegeta Blue Extreme Z-Battle! He needs another Vegeta’s Family ally to activate the second part of his EZA Passive Skill. 43 comments. 1/120: TEQ & STR Type Ki +2, HP, ATK & DEF +30%: Buster Cannon - Causes supreme damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF Details: Concentrated Power - ATK +100% when performing a Super Attack: Super Saiyan - ATK +10% Royal Lineage - Ki +1 Golden Warrior - All enemies' DEF -5% and Ki +1 Cold Judgment - DEF +20% GT - Ki +2 Prepared for Battle - Ki … Porównanie eza golden friezy AGL INT i TEQ oraz pokaz teamu na jego extreme z battle i jak ich zdokkanować By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 1080p 08:45. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Translate: Int EZA Ultimate Gohan Translations & Team Building Guide: DBZ Dokkan Battle. The best Guest option for this Team would be another TEQ Trunks, as he’s an amazing Card, and possesses the proper Future Saga Leader Skill. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. 1/80: TEQ and STR Type Ki +2: ... EZA. 1130. We are going to be live to take on the new eza for the int future trunks. Maybe aslo the New dokkan Awakened Gohan from the story event ? Community content is available under. Or is it possible to do it without them? Tranquille avec cette team aussi: - page 4 - Topic Z-TUR de Trunks SSJ Ikari INT du 31-03-2020 17:52:43 sur les forums de Jakość: 360p 480p 720p 1080p. 130 Lv. Je trouve cet EZA limite abusé, en vrai. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. Le Néo support de la team Extrême Int possède la panoplie parfaite pour aider Raditz à partir en AS couplé à des boosts d'ATK de 60%! I guess it's safe to say farmable units will be given an EZA via these events? 13. fbpage. Fluff. eza int and teq transforming would be the stronger one. Discussion. The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Awoken. 2020 (1025) tháng một 2020 (1025) 2019 (1263) tháng mười hai 2019 (1252) gaming logo WE BACK GANG. Is LR Cauli/Kale a fusion unit, or just a pair unit?, Causes supreme damage, allies' ATK +20% for 1 turn, Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises allies' ATK by 30% for 1 turn, Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +30% for all allies; ATK & DEF +70% when there are 2 or more ". Int ssj future trunks po eza oraz team na jego Extreme z battle Il existe 2 types de S.B.R: "S.B.R monotypes" et "S.B.R catégories" . Can someone build me a team for EZAS. Posted by 13 hours ago. Cell LR (il est Objectif Son Goku) Golden Freezer EZA. Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) 3181. If this team attack hits, it will be an instant K.O, no matter how much health the opponent had. EZA. INT Vegeta Blue INT Rage Trunks AGL Mai(mostly because you need an AGL unit) STR SSB Goku LR TRunks You should definitely be able to do it with this team. u/Michael_Cuddihee. Je voulais plus le Trunks donc j’ai commencé sur son portail et je droppe le kid goku int (seule unité que je n’avais pas avec le trunks forcément) puis j’enchaîne avec le portail zamasu qui tombe sur la toute première multi promo, je finis quand même le cycle et récupère Thales agi (seule unité qu’il me manquait aussi! 42. 125 Lv. Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) 2111. Another great option is PHY Future Gohan, who can be a leader because this is a pure Future Saga Team, and he also provides a top-notch Leader Skill for the category. im guessing the new f2p 17 and 18 and gohan are going to be part of the limited choices. Team Android/cell saga; cell lr leader, cell eza teq, gohan lr, super vegeta int( devi awakenarlo, in forma ur è quello che vola), goku e gohan e vegeta e trunks f2p, nella seconda parte avranno un eza e potrai sfruttarli meglio! Keep INT Vegeta and INT Trunks on separate rotations because they'll be your best tanks. 135 Lv. and while his EZA Passive Skill Buffs his own stats higher with Vegeta’s Family specific allies, it’s not hard to find options among his six categories. I wonder if it will be a larger selection this time, Edit: oh i guess the LR prime trunks will maybe be an option and i havent even got the base form :(. Lr Tier List. User Info: jgok. Video Title: EXTREME Z-AREA IS GOAT! 1073.