(It’s fun to look back on old journals and see how far you’ve come!) Mindfulness & Intuition. ... DOWNLOAD THE FREE MINDFULNESS & GRATITUDE JOURNAL PROMPTS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST! How I started my daily journaling practice. I dreamed up and gathered journal prompts before I started. Today, I choose to let go of the things I can’t control, including… 2. Journaling Prompts to Develop Psychic Ability. I tailor my journaling prompts for my clients to fit and further their interests, passions and goals. First, though, here are a few of my best tips for using journaling to tap into your intuition: Open your journal and write down the question. The beauty of these particular prompts is that they help us focus on the moment, be kind to ourselves, and have faith in ourselves and our journey, wherever it may lead. 15 Mindfulness Journal Prompts for More Self-Awareness and Intention. 5 Journal Prompts to Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind. Like when you get butterflies in your stomach in response to an opportunity you want to pursue. Intuitive Eating. Now I can keep them saved on my phone or tucked in the back of my journal so I can get started quickly. Believe me, oral journaling is the new black! And, when you journal, you end up with a record of your intuitive journey. It not only raises your vibration but heals your heart. There is tremendous power in the pen. 18 Journal Prompts to Help You Honor Your Feelings. Today I’m sharing with you 7 Daily Journaling Prompts for Intentional Manifesting. ... I’ve got 30 journaling prompts to inspire your journaling practice. Using journal prompts for 15-minutes before and after work. Journaling gets your creative juices flowing, PLUS connects you with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides. The things that have been causing me tension lately are… 3. I added it to my To-Do list every day. Even the most die-hard Bullet Journal fan can sometimes feel uninspired or stuck for ideas. They are designed to connect you to the Universe, your higher self, and your natural flow of intuition. People who eat intuitively are more likely to eat because they feel hungry due to body signals asking for physical nourishment rather than emotional reasons. The biggest plus? I want to share with you 7 questions and journal prompts I find incredibly powerful that you can use to tap into your intuition. Feeling stuck for new ideas in your journal? Journaling is a great way to tune into your intuition and gain insight into yourself and your relationships with others. Try these Journal prompt ideas to inspire you and spark creativity. :-) … 24 Self-Discovery Journal Prompts To Listen To Your Intuition. Personal Growth. The app also includes tips, writing prompts, and intuition exercises to help strengthen your intuitive muscles and quiet your mind so you can more easily tap in to your intuition. A personal journal gives you a judgment free zone to write about who you are and the things that are important to you. It’s been said our intuition speaks to us in quiet yet meaningful ways. 1. This is down to being able to recognise the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger. Since the app is on your phone, your journal is always with you. Journaling is a great way to slow down, reflect on your life, and get clarity on things that may be bothering you. The areas of life where I’m not experiencing the feelings I want to are… 4. Don’t despair if you are feeling blocked for bullet journal ideas. The feelings I’ve been experiencing a lot of lately are… 2. There’s infinite questions you can use to tap into your intuition. Bullet Journal Prompts. 1. I get it. The feelings I want to experience more of in life include… 5. To get an idea, you can find a long list of prompts to play around with here: Journaling Prompts […] For this reason intuitive eaters are less likely to binge eat or continuously think about food. Or when your head is telling you to do one thing, but your heart is screaming at you to do another.