The causes are responsible for this rebellion range from social, religious, administrative, political to economic factors. The Revolt of 1857 was a combination of political, economical, socio-religious, military and many other causes. May 17,2020 - political causes of the revolt of 1857 Related: Sepoy Mutiny - Revolt of 1857 in India - When People Rebel, CBSE Class 8 SST History | EduRev Class 8 Question is disucussed on EduRev Study Group by 163 Class 8 Students. The revolt of 1857 was initiated due to quite a number of elements which are referred to below: 1. 4:53 The Questions and Answers of What were the political causes of revolt of 1857? Though it ultimately failed to achieve its goal, the rebellion was successful in generating national consciousness among the people about the political future of the country and in giving a political past to the successive freedom struggles. The Revolt of 1857 is an important landmark in the history of India, which occurred during the Governor-Generalship of Lord Canning. Annexation of Indian states by the Company cut off their major source of patronage. yet much less than a first war of Independence. It was far more than a mutiny…. Perhaps the most important cause of the people’s discontent was the economic exploitation of the country by the British and the complete destruction of its traditional economic fabric. The Revolt Of 1857. Details, Madhya Pradesh The generally accepted view is that although the rising of 1857 started as a revolt of Indian sepoys. The causes of the Great Revolt of 1857 and Sepoy Mutiny may be studied in the following heads: Political cause: Major political cause for the outbreak of the Revolt was … Personal Tutor 1,345 views. 3. The policy of Doctrine of Lapse. Following were the causes of the great revolt of 1857 (a) Political Causes : The English Company´s policy of ´effective control´ and gradual extinction of the Indian Native States was facilitated by the subsidiary alliance system that culminated with the ´Doctrine of Lapse´ of Dalhousie. Causes. Major Causes of Revolt of 1857 Economic Causes. Causes of the Revolt of 1857. CAUSES OF REVOLT Economic Causes. 3. Entire south India, Punjab, and the territory towards its north and west Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Bengal remained aloof from the revolt. Money-lenders and traders emerged as the new landlords. Heavy Taxation on artisans and handicrafts. What were the political causes of revolt of 1857 2 See answers whom u are talking to hmm vishnuvelavan6 vishnuvelavan6 The Indian Rebellion of 1857 had diverse political, economic, military, religious and social causes. Some of the political causes of the revolt are as follows: ….Stanley Wolpert . 2. Political causes: LORD DALHOUSIE: A. Doctrine of lapse. ... Economic Causes of 1857 Revolt Destruction of Agriculture . Under him the British followed an expansionist policy in India. Causes of the Revolt. c) To understand the causes of The Revolt of 1857. d) To understand the out Break and spread of the Revolt of 1857. The policy of annexation reached its climax when he implemented the policy of Doctrine […] Political causes of Revolt of 1857 - shortcut The political causes for the First War of Independence (1857) include: (a) British policy of expansion (b) Disrespect shown to Bahadur Shah (c) Treatment given to Nana Saheb and Rani Laxmi Bai (d) Absentee sovereignty of the British The causes for the revolt of 1857 can categorized under:- Economic Causes Political Causes Social Religion Military Immediate causes. Unpopular revenue settlement The revolt of 1857 witnessed in large parts of North and Central India was an armed rebellion triggered due to number of political and economic policies of British. The Revolt of 1857 is also known by other names such as The Sepoy Mutiny, The Indian Mutiny, The Great Rebellion, The Indian Insurrection, India’s First War of Independence. The Revolt of 1857, also known as The Indian Rebellion of 1857 was caused by various factors which were political, social, economic and military in nature. Cancelling of Nana Sahib’s pension (Bajirao II) Not letting Rani Lakshmi Bhai rule Jhansi. Political cause: Nana sahib was refused pension as he was the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II. India as a region has known foreign invaders more frequently than any other region in world history. QnA , Notes & Videos the revolt of 1857 which is called ‘sepoy mutiny’, ‘great revolt’ and the ‘first war of indian independence‘ is the watershed in the history of pre-independent and early colonial india. • military causes. Causes of Revolt of 1857 Published: November 1, 2016 The various causes of the Mutiny of 1857 can be classified into several heads such as political, administrative, economic, Socio-religious, military and immediate causes. 1. 3. causes of the revolt of 1857 • political causes. Objectives: After going through this unit the student wilt be able:- a) To understand the background of the Revolt 1857. b) To explain the risings of Hill Tribes. View the causes of failure of 1857 mutiny with infographic. ADVERTISEMENTS: Causes of the Revolt: a. Avadh was annexed in 1856, on charge of mal-administration. Dalhousie through his policies had added considerable territories to the British Empire in India. But it was not simply a revolt of the sepoys. If the answer is not available please wait for a while and a community member will probably answer this soon. • economic causes. Colonial policies destroyed the traditional economy of Indian society. Political Causes. The revolt of 1857 1. Religious and Social Causes – Racism or racial discrimination used to be believed to be a major reason for the revolt of 1857 whereby Indians had been exploited and … The revolt of 1857 was a product of the character and policies of rule. The rulers of India fell one by one before the might of the Western arms. A major cause of the outbreak of the revolt was the fear among the people that the British government was determined to destroy their religion and convert Indians to Christianity. Revolt 1857 Causes Several causes as follows were responsible for the great rising: The fear of the native rulers that their states would be taken over by the English, the resentment of the people of the annexed states and the occasional disrespect shown to Bahadur Shah, the Mughal emperor by the English constituted the political causes. They are discussed below: Political causes The people of all classes became angry with the British due to the latter’s despotic policy of aggression adapted from the battle of Plassey to the revolt of […] 4. Answer: Military Causes: The Indian sepoys in the British army moved a strong sense of resentment at the low scale of salary and poor prospects of promotion. The Causes Of The Rebellion. Question 3: The Revolt of 1857 can be attributed to many causes. Detailed explanation with examples on causes-of-the-revolt-of-1857 helps you to understand easily , designed as per NCERT. "CAUSES OF REVOLT OF 1857" PART III (SOCIAL CAUSES) CLASS 8 HISTORY FOR UPSC/SSC/CGL/PSC - Duration: 4:53. The major causes of 1857 Revolt can be studied under the following heads − Economic Cause. The events of 1857 were unique both in terms of historical precedence and in terms of the socio-political sphere as far as India was concerned. Gorkhas too helped the British cause. Many causes led to the outbreak of Revolt 1857. Stated thal heirs adopted without the approval of the Compay would only inherit the private property of the owner and the territories would be seized by the Company. Political Causes Dalhousie’s policy of annexation threatened many princely states and they were the first ones to pick up arms against British. Political Causes : The annexation policy of British was one of the major causes. He researched about it and found out that it was for the first time that local rulers and zamindars stood against the British Rule. 1. In this article, we will discuss the economic causes of the war of 1857. From the battle of Palessay in 1757, to the revolt 1857, it was a full century. The reign of his successor witnessed a big conflagration-the Great Revolt of 1857. Learn more: Political causes of the revolt of 1857 Political Causes: Lord Dalhousie was the Governor-General of India till 1848-1856. Socio-Political Cause High land revenue disabled peasantry class. THE REVOLT OF 1857 1. Political Causes: Doctrine of Lapse. Causes of Failure of the Revolt of 1857: One of the reasons for the failure of the revolt was that the area of the revolt remained limited. Explain the military causes which led to the revolt of 1857. The reign of Dalhousie had been quite momentous for the Britishers as he had pursued a policy of territorial aggrandisement and extended the dominions of the empire. There were Administrative, Military and Political Reasons for Failure of 1857 Revolt. Historians have identified diverse political, economic, military, religious and social causes of the Indian Rebellion of 1857.. An uprising in several sepoy companies of the Bengal army was sparked by the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February 1857. Towards 1857 revolt In 1856, Lord Canning succeeded Lord Dalhousie as the Governor General of India. So it has been commonly termed as `Sepoy Mutiny‘. • immediate cause… • social and religious causes. Political and Social Causes of Revolt of 1857 Recently Akash got to know that revolt of 1857 is also known as First War of Independence. Political Causes of the revolt of 1857 : Nana Sahib was refused pension, as he was the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II. The Revolt of 1857, also regarded as India's First War of Independence is an extremely important event of Indian history. Introduced by Lord Dalhousie. are solved by group of students and teacher of Class 8, which is also the largest student community of Class 8. New questions in Social Sciences. Causes of the Great Revolt of 1857 The causes of the Great Revolt can be grouped into Political, Economic, Military, Social. The revolt of 1857 was a combination of political, economic, socio-religious and military causes. During that period, the British Empire saw its rise and completion. to start IES Prep and Strategy, 8 Tips Card, GATE 3.