Author Guidelines; Open Access; Submit a Manuscript; For Referees; Browse. ISBN numbers will be assigned to large monographic papers (i.e., major revisions of taxa, min 100 pp), collections of papers, Festschrift volumes, atlases, checklists, conspecti. miscalculation or experimental error). All Users agree to these Terms of Use when signing up to this Journal. The paper acceptance is constrained by such legal requirements as shall then be in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. Depending on the amount members are prepared to commit, Pensoft is offering a discount on APCs per the table below. The journals allow a maximum of two rounds of review of a manuscript. Registration of all new taxa in ZooBank, IPNI, MycoBank or Index Fungorum (where relevant). Do the conclusions seem reasonable? 6 Para. Prices of full-color, high-resolution printed version (separate article and complete issues). The editorial decisions are automatically forwarded to the authors by the system. We claim no intellectual property rights over the material provided by any User in this Journal. Context will determine whether one record is a duplicate of another, and data compilers are best qualified to look for them. We provide secure, cost-effective access to the UK's richest collection of digital content: giving you access to the latest data and content from leading international publishers and providers.. Find out more at … CLOCKSS system has permission to ingest, preserve, and serve this Archival Unit. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, such as in genetic profiles, authors should provide assurance that alterations do not distort scientific meaning. Editorial decisions should not be affected by the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors. The Corresponding author should provide the declaration of any conflicts of interest on behalf of all Authors. ), and should include an accurate, clear and concise description of the reported work, avoiding abbreviations. Authors grant Pensoft Publishers commercial rights to produce hardcopy volumes of the journal for sale to libraries and individuals. the labels of the different image types). Article- and sub-article-level metrics (Altmetric, Dimensions, number of downloads separately for the PDF, XML and HTML, usage stats for figures, tables and supplementary files). It can be difficult to find duplicate records in some datasets, but our experience is that they are not uncommon. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details. This journal uses a single-blind peer review process. : If there are scale bars on the figure parts, reference to them is last and in the format: Text sharp and readable (e.g., no overlap of text and graphical elements like lines), Caption as text (not as part of the image), For separated titles (usually H1-H3): Sentence case, For paragraph titles (usually H4): Sentence case, Sentence case or lower case (check for consistency only!). Always use one form of each character, and preferably the simplest form, e.g. funding for the article processing charge; language editing or editorial assistance). Figure caption: Start with label "Figure N." in bold. Editors should not allow any conflicts of interest between Authors, Reviewers and Board Members. Then, the PR team will work with them to finalise the announcement that will be: Following the distribution of the press announcement, our team will be tracking the publicity across news media, blogs and social networks, in order to report back to the author(s), and reshare any prominent media content. 1. read the Aims & Scopeto gain an overview and assess if your manuscript is suitable for this journal; 2. use the Microsoft Word template or LaTeX templateto prepare your manuscript; 3. make sure that issues about publication ethics, research ethics, copyright, authorship, figure formats, data and references formathave been appropriately considered; 4. ensure that all authors have approved the content of the submitted manuscript. When editing in Microsoft Word please use the Track Changes / Comments tools.Note: Associated files should be submitted at the end of the review process by clicking on the Browse button, then selecting the respective file on your computer, and then pressing the Upload button. plain quotes rather than curly quotes. For reader's convenience, we list here the hyperlinked table of contents of these extensive guidelines: The core of the data publishing project of Pensoft is the concept of "Data Paper" developed in a cooperation with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Please include the full delivery address if it is different from the one you have used for your registration, and indicate the payment method. Once the manuscript passes the initial pre-review screening by the Editor-in-Chief and the journal's editorial office, it is forwarded to the Collection editor to either approve or decline it for the collection. The Journal is not responsible if the provided e-mail of the unregistered co-author is inaccurate or invalid. After the Subject Editor's decision, the manuscript is sent back to the author for comments and further revision. EDITORIAL POLICIES AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 6. Authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes. Italicization/Underlining: Scientific names of species and genera, long direct quotations and symbols for variables and constants (except for Greek letters), such as p, F, U, T, N, r, but not for SD (standard deviation), SE (standard error), DF (degrees of freedom) and NS (non significant) should be italicized. Journal Name 1: 15–30. Hosted by the USGS Core Science Analytics and Synthesis. We have seen individual datasets in which the degree symbol (°) is represented in three different ways, and in which a single quotation mark (') is also represented as a prime symbol, a right single quotation mark and a grave accent. When you have a few citations from the same author but from different years (such as the case with Smith et al. Explore Online first articles Volumes and issues Collections Sign up for alerts. The HTML version of the retracted article is removed (except for the article metadata) and on its place a retraction note is issued. These articles may be given greater prominence and greater external publicity, including press releases addressed to science journalists and mass media. Submission, peer review and editorial process. Reviewers do not need to sign their reports, but are welcome to do so. Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics, ISSN 1313-2970 (online) | ISSN 1313-2989 (print). The manuscript length includes only the main body of the text, footnotes, and all citations within it, and excludes the abstract, section titles, figure and table captions, funding statem… If you give the GPS reading without rounding off, make sure you include an uncertainty figure as a context for the over-accurate GPS reading. Plagiarism is considered theft of intellectual property and manuscripts submitted to this journal which contain substantial unattributed textual copying from other papers will be immediately rejected. The Subject Editor receives a notification email when the Reviewer agrees or declines to review. In case the manuscript is declined from the collection, it undergoes the regular evaluation and peer review process at the journal. Online publishing allows an author to provide datasets, tables, video files, or other information as supplementary information, greatly increasing the impact of the submission. Manuscript Categories and Requirements 4. 1900. If a submitted item does not comply fully with these Guidelines it will be returned for amendment prior to any review. The use of hyperlinked identifiers allows for linking to external data resources and also within and between table rows, not only by humans, but also by machines. Should a comment on potential misconduct be submitted by the Reviewers or Editors, an explanation will be sought from the Authors. Unsubscription from the service can happen through a one-click link provided in each email alert notification. The most powerful text-checking tools are on the command line, and the website "A Data Cleaner's Cookbook" ( is recommended for authors who can use a BASH shell. It is the corresponding author's responsibility to ensure that the author list, and the individual contributions to the study are accurate and complete. genseq-2 COI). Non-native English speaking authors are required to have their manuscripts checked by a native English speaker or professional English-language editor prior to submission. Instances, when authors re-use large parts of their publications without providing a clear reference to the original source, are considered duplication of work. The legal basis is then Art. Example-2: if you need to add a column for a data type which is absent in the template, please name and link it to a term from a community-agreed vocabulary (e.g. Please, do not alter any of the other entities in the sheets, as this would prevent us from correctly linking to the ontology terms. Specimen data of material examined provided as auxiliary file as a .txt or .cvs file or table at end of document, based on the Darwin Core standard. We encourage authors, who feel that their work is of particular interest to the wider audience, to email us with a press release draft** (see template and guidelines), outlining the key findings from the study and their public impact. Consult Standard Practice for Use of the International System of Units (ASTM Standard E−380−93) for guidance on unit conversions, style, and usage. For botanical and mycological data, "Collection number" instead of "collector [followed by "leg."]". All allegations should be kept confidential and references to the matter in writing should be kept anonymous, whenever possible. Journal Name 1: 20–30. Such notice may be provided at any time by posting the changes to the relevant service website. Double quote marks (" ") must be used to represent label citations that do not correspond to (or cannot be reliably interpreted as) specific DWC terms.