Tegu Life Span. Filter — Shop categories. LOOKING TO BOOK A PRIVATE PARTY/ TOUR? The primary danger of tegus as an invasive species is their habit of digging up and eating alligator and turtle eggs. As a hatchling, Salvator merianae has an emerald green color from the tip of its snout to midway down its neck, with black markings. The average female Argentine tegu will likely reach around 3-3.5 feet long. These lizards are popular pets because they are intelligent and charismatic, and you can even housebreak them! Brumation occurs when the temperature drops below a certain point. BLUE TEGU, CB babies - Tupinambis merianae. Large males can reach a length of an impressive 60 inches, however most tegus range in size from 40-50 inches and weigh 8 to 15 pounds. This tegu species is the largest of the tegu lizards, and males can grow up to 4.5 ft. long. Address: 45559 Van Dyke Ave Utica, MI 48317, Public Hours: Fridays & Saturdays 4PM - 9PM. They’re large, active, messy, and demanding. The egg have an incubation time of. Hatchlings can grow up to one inch per month, so make sure you are prepared for rapid growth! However, when kept with patience and dedication, they can be very rewarding. UGReptiles $300. Tegu Lizard Care. Babies that hibernate will reach about half as much or less in size as those that do not hibernate. $225.00. Aside from their blue color, what makes these reptiles so different from the black and white variety is their size, since they typically only grow to a maximum length of approximately three feet. They are still wild animals. Always ensure you take care when handling the lizard, and supervise young children and pets. They only lay between 18 and 25 eggs, in a clutch. Because they can grow quite large, it is important you prepare to graduate your tegu’s cage as it grows. Because they can grow quite large, it is important you prepare to graduate your tegu’s cage as it grows. Be fully prepared to have an animal at its maximum size, rather than assuming it will grow slowly or not reach its full length. Lifespan: ARGENTINE BLUE TEGUS can live to be 12-20 years old in captivity. Baby Anery Red Tegu $ 499.99 Add to cart. The minimum enclosure size is as follows: Argentine tegu: 8’ x 4’ x 4’ BLUE TEGU, CB "BLUE-LOU" sub-adult - Tupinambis merianae. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Animals.NET aim to promote interest in nature and animals among children, as well as raise their awareness in conservation and environmental protection. in length. All photos used are royalty-free, and credits are included in the Alt tag of each image. Gestation and removing the eggs. Tegus can live to be 12-20 years old in captivity. Unboxing Blue Tegu - New Blue Tegu showed up today, I also got (Bora) adult Tegu outside and show you the difference in size and color. Diet:  The ARGENTINE BLUE TEGUS eat various feeder insects like mealworms, super worms, earthworms, silkworms, crickets and roaches, as well as vertebrate prey like mice, rats, fish, turkey (offered in a ground form), rabbit, quail, and chicks. Babies are a complete new cross made by our Super Blue stock crossed to a Paraguayan Red Male. Adult males are larger than females. Quick View. This advert is located in and around Scarborough, North Yorkshire. Nests are quite large, and can be 3 feet across and 2 – 3 feet tall. Black Flame Tegu? Adult Size: Up to 4 feet. In their natural range, they are abundant and successful. She will lay anywhere from 10 – 70 eggs per clutch, but the average is 30 eggs. Be fully prepared to have an animal at its maximum size, rather than assuming it will grow slowly or not reach its full length. Size: Large (3-4.5 feet) Care: Doable with proper resources and research. Tegus are omnivorous, foraging for a wide range of foods and come from South America. The Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae) might just be the best pet lizard on planet earth. Like all lizards, , like other tegus, may breed up to twice a year. Reproduction: ARGENTINE BLUE TEGUS, like other tegus, may breed up to twice a year. Their adult length can vary from 2.5 feet in females to sometimes even longer than 4 feet in adult males. Blue Tegu. Though it exhibits a very similar black-and-white coloration, it is smaller, growing to 3½ to 4 feet in length, and its skin has a smoother texture that is not as pebbly as the Argentine species. It is known for its light blue coloration, which is most intense in the adult males. RG Reptiles $700. A Tegu can be a lot harder to handle than a Leopard Gecko or a Bearded Dragon because of his size. Large Argentine tegus for sale that are male can reach a length of an impressive 60 inches, however, most black and white tegus for sale range in size from 40-50 inches and weigh 8 to 15 pounds at full maturity. $585.00. Mating takes place over a few weeks, and the female begins building her nest about a week after mating. An adult female can be about 3 feet long. In the wild, tegu lizards live in a variety of different habitats, including tropical rainforests, woodlands, savannas, and semi-desert habitats. Tegu Size. Argentine tegu hatchlings are only 7-10” (17-25 cm) long, and Colombian tegu hatchlings are even smaller. They have also been accidentally (or purposefully) introduced as an invasive species in parts of Florida. These reptiles are solitary creatures that are most active during the day, or diurnal. They only lay between 18 and 25 eggs in a clutch. Quick View. These reptiles reside in South America, throughout the habitats described above. FR MANGROVE monitor - babies, Varanus indicus. They're easier to handle at this size, and are more likely to run rather than bite or tail whip. Common Names: Argentine black and white tegu, black and white tegu. Regardless of whether your tegu is an adult or just a hatchling, it’s best to start with a full-sized enclosure. The Savannah monitor, also called a Bosc monitor, is considered to be a medium sized lizard in the large lizard category.Its appearance is interesting because it looks more like a large tegu than the other lizards in the monitor family. Their diet should consist of a protein source, such as cooked egg, chicken, or turkey, and a mixture of fruits and vegetables. Crustaceans such as crayfish are also readily consumed. Ruby Red Albino 50% Poss Het Anery Tegu … They have a fairly distinctive red ground color with white and black dots and stripes over the entire body. Juvenal tegus should be fed daily - typically the amount of food that they can eat in about an hour. CALL US @ 1-586-884-6941 OR EMAIL TOURS@THEREPTARIUM.COM OFFICE HOURS MON - FRI 8AM-4PM EST. Show Filters 1; 2 → Filter by price. List modified from: Tegu Talk: A Community for Tegu Keepers. Description: The Argentinian tegu can reach an adult size of 4 feet or even longer (including the tail). CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. It can be about 4 – 4.5 feet long. Size: Up to 4.5 feet in length IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern Current Population Trend: Stable About the Black and White Argentine Tegu The Argentine black and white tegu, also called commonly the Argentine giant tegu, the black and white tegu, and the huge tegu, is a … You have probably seen a viral video or photo of a dog-like tegu lizard, and thought about owning one as a pet. AcedExotics $450. Despite its chill looks, this lizard can be a handful. This means that one side of the cage must be cooler, while the other is much warmer and provides a basking spot. They are active and healthy, eating well on a varied omnivorous and insect diet, with the occasional pinkie mouse and rat pup. Their coloration varies based on their age, but they are generally mottled black and white with varying amounts of other colors. The female will lay her eggs within days after completion of the nest. They’re easier to handle at this size, and are more likely to run rather than bite or tail whip. As a rule, male black and white Argentine tegu for sale are stockier than female Argentine black and white tegus for sale. Quick View. Their wild populations are stable, and we haven’t threatened them with extinction at this time. The most interaction these lizards have with humans is through the pet trade. The more you interact with them, however, the tamer your tegu will be as an adult. Like all lizards, ARGENTINE BLUE TEGUS need a properly balanced diet; incomplete prey items such as insects or ground meat require dusting with a mineral/multi-vitamin supplement. Their overall color is black and light blue, but it can vary from blue … eat various feeder insects like mealworms. However, for fully grown adults, remember that you need to ensure an enclosure that is not smaller than 6′ x 3′. There are a number of different reptile species and groups referred to as “tegus.” For our purposes we will stick to the common pet species, the black and white tegu, also referred to as the giant tegu, and is native to South America. Tegu Housing During the winter months they go into a hibernation-like state called brumation. Though they usually walk on four legs, when threatened they can run on their rear two feet to look more intimidating! They spend their time alternating between basking in the sun to regulate their body temperature, and searching for food. [4] It is an omnivorous species which inhabits the tropical rain forests, savannas, and semi-deserts of eastern and central South America. Large Argentine tegus for sale that are male can reach a length of an impressive 60 inches, however, most red Argentine tegus for sale range in size from 40-50 … Unlike some other lizard species, they are not arboreal as adults, but prefer living on the ground. $550.00. Baby argentine black and white tegu jaguar line 349 99 199 99. With good care, an Argentine tegu can live 15-20+ years. Read on to learn about the assigned animal. I would tend to agree with this theory. Younger animals eat mostly spiders, snails, insects, fruits, berries, and seeds. and roaches, as well as vertebrate prey like mice, rats, fish, turkey (offered in a ground form), rabbit, quail, and chicks. The most common questions we at Tegu Topia get are: "How do I build an enclosure large enough for my Tegu?” And "What size enclosure will I need?” Unless you’re a cabinetmaker or you have the extra money to hire a cabinetmaker to build you a show piece, you’ll need to build your own enclosure. Argentine tegu hatchlings are only 7-10" (17-25 cm) long, and Colombian tegu hatchlings are even smaller. High End Blue Tegu '20. Because they breed well in captivity, we do not capture these animals in high volume for the pet trade. You should provide constant temperature and humidity based on the recommendation of your breeder or veterinarian. Crustaceans such as crayfish. This is generalist feeding behavior. If the baby hibernates he will be the same size at the time he hibernated. Argentine Tegus are large reptiles, with some species reaching a total length of around four feet, and a weight of approximately fifteen pounds. 3 year old black n white tegu named blue for sale amazing temperment easy to handle. Stunning Baby Argentine Black and White Tegus - Delivered. The female is very protective of her nest, and will attack anything she views as a threat. Baby Porphura Tegu. z OUT OF STOCK - ARGENTINE BLACK & WHITE TEGU, CB babies - Salvator merianae. Tegu lizards are large reptiles commonly kept as pets. Add To Cart. Promotions, new products and sales. ... Argentine Black and Whites, or the Blue tegus. Tegus can be naturally found all throughout south america ranging from argentina to paraguay and their neighboring countries. The absolute minimum enclosure size for a single Argentine tegu is 8’L x 4’W x 4’H. Available are these 4 month old baby Argentine Black and White Tegu . During the rest of the year they are quite active creatures. Females typically are a bit smaller than males. The father is a blue tegu and the mother blue tegu. The egg have an incubation time of 58 and 60 days. They have large, thick heads, and “chubby” looking necks that have fat deposits in them. In fact, they’re sometimes referred to as Argentine blue tegus for this reason. They also like fruit as a treat. Quick View. Minimum enclosure size for Argentine tegus. 2. Other helpful tips about feeding your tegu Feeding schedule: Tegus are fast growers with active metabolisms, so regular feeding is important. A baby Colombian tegu should be started in a tank that measures at least 36″ x 18″. The Blue is the last of the Black and White Argentine morphs on our list. From: $ 499.99 Select options-43%. Hatchlings can grow up to one inch per month, so make sure you are prepared for rapid growth! Directly to your inbox. The best way to tame a tegu is to get it as a hatchling. They aren’t very picky, and will eat a large variety of foods. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. This tegu comes from a much warmer climate than the Argentine black and white. Though humans do breed tegu lizards in captivity, they have not domesticated them in any way. Large male tegu lizards can reach up to 5 feet in length and weigh up to 20 lbs. As household pets, frequently handled tegus can be very docile and friendly. It is their light blue tint that gives them a special appearance and name. As they get bigger, they will eat more eggs, small birds, and even small mammals. Out of stock. Incubation time varies by temperature, and can range from 40 to 60 days in length. When the baby tegu is to outgrow its enclosure, the caregiver can switch to an intermediate size 90 galloon cage. Native Home: The ARGENTINE BLUE TEGU inhabit the central and western regions of the continent in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Bolivia. Reproduction occurs when the animals emerge from their brumation period in the spring. Size:  ARGENTINE BLUE TEGUS are one of the smaller tegus, growing to about 1 meter in length. The more you interact with them, however, the tamer your tegu will be as an adult. As a rule, males are stockier than females and develop prominent jowl muscles giving them a “cheeky” appearance. Life Expectancy: Up to 15 years in captivity Size: ARGENTINE BLUE TEGUS are one of the smaller tegus, growing to about 1 meter in length. These likely escaped, or were human-released pets that people could not properly care for. I took care of a pair of Tegus when I was 12. ➺ The Argentine tegu can reach a weight from 2.5 to 7 kg. Blue argentine tegus are a very popular pet choice as far as tegus go. Because they are omnivores, they will attempt to eat other small animals, like gerbils and hamsters, if given the opportunity. This coloration is mostly seen in mature males. Blue Tegus  (Blue x Blue) unsexed tegu babies - $375 shipped (Includes FedEx Priority overnight shipping) They are pure blue tegus. Like most arboreal reptiles, younger, lighter individuals spend more time in trees where they are safer from predators. Just like the Argentine black and white tegu, the blue tegu has a very quick growth rate, almost reaching 75% of its full length in a year. Add To Cart. Add To Cart. It is known for its light blue coloration, which is most intense in the adult males. Tegus are omnivores, which means that they will eat both plants and animals. ... Baby Albino Blue Tegu $ 1,499.99 Read more. Yes, tegu lizards can make good pets. are also readily consumed. It is known for its light blue coloration, which is most intense in the adult males. This is the result of a lack of UVB lighting. The babies are growing and eating well. If you are concerned about feeding those little lizards, however, a Tegu is a lot better. Awesome High White Pinstripe Blue Flame Tegu '20. So as you can see these are not small lizards by any means. Learn more about them before you consider if they are the right choice for you. Rehome buy and sell and give an animal a forever home with preloved. can live to be 12-20 years old in captivity. Baby Argentine Red Tegu $ 299.99 Add to cart. argentine tegus tend to be calmer/ less agressive; columbian tegus are a bit jumpier / a bit agressive at times; Size: columbian tegus usually range from the size of around 3ft more or less argentine tegus tends to be bigger at around 4ft to 5ft Prices: argentine tegus are more expensive to the colubian usually x3 more expensive. Of stock - Argentine black and white tegu jaguar line 349 99 199 99 gives them a cheeky... One as a hatchling birds, and males can grow quite large, ’! Or tail whip tegu Keepers lay her eggs within days after completion the! Or diurnal, they are not small lizards by any means that one side of year. Not smaller than 6′ x 3′ stockier than females and develop prominent muscles! Is to outgrow its enclosure, the caregiver can switch to an intermediate size 90 galloon.... Tegus when i was 12 to ensure an enclosure blue argentine tegu size is not smaller than 6′ x.... 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