These imperatives guided British policy … It proved to be a source of encouragement to the National freedom struggle. The nature of the 1857 event has become so emotive that it gave scope to multiple perspectives. The British government was … Contesting the British interpretation as that of sepoy mutiny only, the nationalist historians and in particular V.D. Fighting in some places continued well into 1858, but the British were ultimately able to establish control. Ans: Changes in the policies of the British after the suppression of the rebellion of 1857: (i) British Crown took over the control of administration − The British Parliament passed an Act in 1859, under which, the powers of the East India Company were transferred to the British Crown. The Rani Jhansi had died on the field of battle earlier on 17 June 1858. The rebel leaders lacked experience and coordination. An anxious conscious attempt on the part of the British to minimize the grievances of Indians and to restrict it only to a section of army’s revolt. Contradicting the above views of nationalist motivated perceptions, R.C. The Indian War of Independence of 1857, published anonymously in 1912 argues that it was the first war of Indian independence inspired by the lofty ideal of self-rule by Indians through nationalist upsurge. Surender Nath Sen is of the view that: “The mutiny became a revolt and assumed a political character when the mutineers of Meerut placed themselves under the king of Delhi and a section of the landed aristocracy and civil population declared, in his favour. As if it is not sufficient, orthodoxy, religious superstitions, communal, caste and religious discrimination began to be practiced by the Indians. Chakravarty, Gautam. The British, after the Revolt of 1857, decided to concentrate in providing a sound and efficien… Revolt of 1857 Causes and Results . It was the culmination of the manifold grievances that Indians had against the East India Companys rule. UG SEM - IV ( CC - 10 ) This video is unavailable. As a result of such studies, it is now established that the relationship between land revenue settlement and the revolt is very minimum. L.E.R. The power to govern India was transferred from Company to the British crown. It would be another 90 years before the people of India (and Pakistan) gained their independence. United Effort: From this revolt, we can have a picture of India’s struggle for keeping the rights. Savarkar in his banned book. The Revolt of 1857 is an important event in the history of India. He was overpowered and executed on April 6 while his regiment was disbanded in May. The artillery section was exclusively kept under the British. Sometimes they behaved more like a riotous mob than a disciplined army. He was to look after the formulation of the British policies in India. Sheer courage could not win against a powerful and determined enemy who planned its every step. 5 the East India Company were impoverishing and ruining the peasantry. Nature of the Revolt of 1857 Introduction Revolt of 1857 was one the most extraordinary event in the history of India. The self-confidence of the British and their plans for the rapid westernization of India through social reforms were shattered. Mention any three political causes of the Revolt. revolt of 1857 Revolt of 1857 in Assam. The British government was now established. The reign of Dalhousie had been quite momentous for the Britishers as he had pursued a policy of territorial aggrandisement and extended the dominions of the empire. 1. They gave up the idea of the ruthless expansionist policy of their territorial boundaries in and outside India. On 24 April 1857, some soldiers stationed at Meerut also refused to use the cartridges. Sepoys in the Presidency of Bengal revolted against their British officers. The policies and laws introduced by the Company created discontentment among the rulers, landlords, peasants, tribals and sepoys and all wanted an end to the colonial rule. Result of revolt of 1857. The Revolt was suppressed. There were several revolts before this, but there was no feeling of Indian-ness in those revolts. Detestation, contempt, ferocity and vengeance became marked features of the British in India in the post-mutiny period. Result of the Revolt of 1857 in Hindi. The Revolt of 1857 convinced the British the futility of interfering in the traditional socio-religious customs of India. Suppressed the revolt at Arrah in August 1857. All the ruling chiefs and kings were assured that their territory would never be annexed in future. My dear friend At this conjuncture I believe that the reasons for the Revolt of 1857 is indeed many, the prime and the most important one being the religious sentiments being hurt. The Revolt of 1857 further widened the difference between the ruler and the ruled. The Revolt of 1857 starts from Meerut and it spread like a wildfire to various parts of India. And even though the Britishers cruelly controlled the situation this revolt laid the foundation of nationalism in the people of India. Cambridge UK: … The Board of Directors and the Board of Control of India was abolished and the office of the Secretary of State for India was created. Further, the British tried to portray civil disturbances as the actions of selfish vested interests of the landholders and the princes. Any three political causes of the Revolt Were as follows:- i) Annexation of Satara, Jhansi and Nagpur under the Doctrine of Lapse.